What happens if you unplug your EGR: 2007-2012 6.7 cummins
Hey everyone: today’s video is gon na, be an informative video about the EGR system on the o-72 2012 Ram trucks and what would occur if you unplug that without a tuner or anything else, maybe you’re a person who says now. I don’t want to delete the truck. Don’T know about deleting the truck, but I’d like to mitigate some of the negative effects, I’m not encouraging or endorsing this in this video, but I’m going to provide the information about what would happen. What are all the side effects of doing something like this? Well.
Firstly, you’ve got your obvious: the electronic effects you’re gon na have a check engine light. There’S gon na be a soft code thrown for eg our circuit low or something like that, and then the check engine light will be on. But it’s a soft code. You won’t have lint mode, but certain trucks. It’S kind of luck of the draw may see a D rated power most people, even if they do have that D rate, they might not even notice it, but usually on late, 2011 and 2012.
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That’S where we see the most most D rates happen. It can happen on any model year, and it really depends on what flash your ECM has and that can definitely have other effects to different trucks seem to react differently to have to lack of EGR than others. So it’s kind of luck of the draw you just have to kind of try it and find out well from a performance standpoint. I’Ve got my own ein here because it’s a it’s an example of a truck that falls within the range of the kind of trucks. I’M talking about performance, different effects are going to be felt there.
Eg T’s are gon na drop significantly down 100 200 degrees, sometimes over 200 degrees, depending on the conditions that the trucks under major reduction in eg T’s and in the diesel community. Everyone loves lower eg T’s, but there is one little concern: could lower eg T’s harm? The DPF, by not allowing the truck to passively regen some of the soot, that’s in there will the DPF get clogged up. The answer is probably not there’s a couple reasons. Why not?
My first reason is: most people don’t work these trucks hard enough to actually get eg T’s high enough, even with the EGR plugged in to do a passive region. You got to be up there at 1,100 degrees to get that done and even towing a trailer you’d have to be going uphill to probably hit that. That’S what I that’s, what I think, and so by unplugging these er, it doesn’t cause much harm truck, still ends up actively regen and you actually end up with lower regions in the very end because one of the side effects of EGR is increased, so D missions, The combustion process is affected by the EGR for several reasons. One reason is, it lowers combustion, temperature and combustion is less complete. That’S why we have the soot going downrange to the DPF and if it wasn’t for that, in the first place, you wouldn’t need to have the high eg T’s.
So most people who unplug the EGR yeah unplug the EGR, actually see less regions. Another effect is slight intake: temperature reduction, maybe 20 degrees, or something like that. Well, that’s actually pretty significant, but intake. Tempera duction is good because denser air, better air for the turbo, and that kind of leads me to my next point about the turbo is without EGR. On there, you’re you’re pushing oxygen depleted warm air into the intake, which is harming the turbos efficiency.
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Without that you can actually see less boost psi and more power than you used to your six. Seven might start feeling a little bit like a five nine where it doesn’t boost. Nearly you know: 37 foot-pounds I’ve seen six sevens boost. You know you know stock turbos, the five 9s weren’t like that, but with without the EGR. I think you would feel a lot more like a thought not and so with the turbo running more efficiently.
That’S that’s good news with the engine running more efficiently with its combustion. That’S good news! Those two things will be wind in your sails and for as far as improving fuel economy, as well as less soot going to the DPF, so less regens, which is more fuel economy. Also, I didn’t realize how much fuel economy could go up just by modifying disabling the EGR. Most people are seeing two to three miles: a gallon in gains on these trucks, newer trucks.
You won’t see the effect that much the EGR is not as active on those trucks, but still no harm done. Newer trucks, I will say, may have additional electronic issues that I’m not too familiar with. So beware on the on the 2013 and up trucks. Another reason why people may want to unplug the EGR is to get cleaner oil. These trucks after emissions was introduced.
Their oil change intervals dropped from 10,000 miles to 7,500. That’S a 25 % increase in the amount of oil changes. They’Re gon na have to do in the lifetime of the truck and the EGR encourages soot and other contaminants to get in the oil and people don’t like that. Obviously, it’s not good for the truck and they want to. They want their truck to be like the old trucks.
You know change the oil every 10,000. Now I would say just by unplugging the EGR. I would still change it sooner than 10,000, but cleaner oil is the definite plus of unplugging the EGR. So all those items were positive effects that unplugging the EGR has on performance. What about some possible negatives?
Well, one is longer warmup times it’s going to be like a 5 9, where you got to drive the truck around for 5 10 minutes well, actually more. Like 10 15 minutes to get a warm engine, especially in the winter time – and so I mean that’s a pretty minor thing, but if you live in a cold climate, you might miss the EGR in that way. One other thing is the butterfly valve: hang on timeout back I’m getting a little bit swarmed by various insects, butterfly valve in the intake throttle valve that little butterfly valve. This is why you, you can’t unplug that without a tuner and without deleting the DPS, because if you do you’ll get hard code, you’ll get limp mode. Reason, for that is what the truck wants to do.
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Is it wants to close that somewhat so that you can send a high proportion of eg EGR down the intake to boost the EG T’s and have less fresh air coming in? Without that there, the truck? Will panic it’ll have a fit it’ll run great until you do your first regen and then it’ll have a fit you’ll go into limp mode and that’s a headache. So don’t unplug that if you do do this for those who leave it plugged in and leave their DPF there and their trucks going to be doing, Regent’s you’ll be fine. It will try to close off that valve a little bit, though, and an idle.
You may hear a lot of clatter under the hood that clatter is the engine kind of starving for air, because it’s not getting any EGR because you unplugged it and it’s it’s cutting off the flow of intake. So the only way to deal with that and there’s no real evidence that is bad to run the truck like that or let it sit like that. It’S just it makes quite a racket under the hood and it can easily be cured by simply idling the engine up to about a thousand or 1,100 rpms or just keep driving the truck. That will allow plenty of air go through that valve and until you complete your region, but if you’re stuck in traffic, you could idle it put it in neutral and idle up to eleven hundred thousand rpms or so, and it will run perfectly fine. If you don’t like that clatter, but that’s about it for a possible negative side effects of EGR unplugs, so I hope you all enjoyed the video.
I know the lighting is a bit crazy right now, but I always looking forward to doing this video for a few weeks now – and I was thinking this is good information for my viewers – anyways. You all have a good day and if I didn’t mention mpg improvement from a EGR unplug is probably going to be around 2 miles a gallon, maybe two and a half I would say: 9 out of 10 people see at least a two mile, a gallon improvement From what I was reading on the forums, so that’s pretty significant far better than I would have guessed. I always thought the DPS was the bad guy on fuel economy, but on these older trucks, it’s more of the EGR newer trucks is going to be a whole different deal. The EGR is less active, the they have that NOx SCR def tank, which is actually a really good idea to get the emissions to work decently on these trucks and they don’t regen nearly as much either anyways y’all have a good one. I’Ll see you in the next video you