To the channel y’all hope y’all having another good day, bring you some content and a very, very, very controversial video today, all right, you guys, are probably there’s going to be some dog fights in the comments section i feel like coming already. I feel like, in my spirit, all right so check it out. Today’S video we’re gon na be upgrading i’m doing a mod on the truck uh. It’S a mod slash, i’m also fixing something that was messed up uh when we were doing some previous maintenance that we’re gon na be taking care of. In today’s video uh, we’re gon na be replacing the intake manifold uh the stock, one on the six seven cummins, with a aftermarket high flow intake, manifold uh, the one i have is commonly referred to as the pusher uh megaflow intake.
I think something like that uh, but we’re gon na be putting that on, because i currently have a boost leak. I will show you guys that here in a second uh, because one of the bolts for the egr valve uh, the stud broke off in the in the oem manifold. So we’re going to be replacing that today, but i’m also going to be bringing another. I’M playing devil’s advocate right now. All right so y’all got hear me out, hear me out.
Watch the entire video. Okay also make sure you like comment and subscribe in the video all that good stuff. Why this intake manifold that i’m putting on my truck is the best intake manifold you could get overall. Okay keyword is over raw all right. I already know it’s coming.
I got my. I got my i ain’t, even gon na say all my enthusiasts for different intake. Manifolds whatnot, but nonetheless this is going to be a good shootout. Let’S get the video started. So if you didn’t watch the previous videos uh, which i recommend you do, the reason why we’re changing this intake manifold is because, when i was installing, when i was installing the uh throttle valve or yeah brought the throttle valve delete spacer whatever it’s called when i Was taking off the oem bolts, this bolt snapped off so there’s a bolt in there.I’M gon na take it apart when i take it off and show you guys, you can see it uh and that’s why i’m replacing it because i have a boost leak here. So what happened is you’ll hear his slash, it’s losing boost, which is not good, because it’s not efficient uh if you’ve never taken off one of these. It’S super simple. You guys you have six bolts, ten millimeter bolts that hold this on again, disconnect your little bracket for your dipstick and then unplug your, i believe. It’S the maf sensor, uh unplug that and then actually i don’t think that’s it might be the map.
I don’t remember unplug this sensor remove the boost tube uh, i believe that’s an 11 mil and then take her out and then put the new one, in vice versa. Put the new oe gasket in there now we’re gon na go in the garage, and i’m gon na explain to you guys why this manifold i have is the best overall, all right here we go so here we go. This right here is a ebay intake manifold. Okay uh: this is actually my second one. I’Ve had because a lot of you guys previous viewers from the previous truck, i had my third gen to come daddy uh.
I had this exact same manifold on there and it worked perfectly fine had no issues with it. All right in terms of appearance, it looks really good. Nice, clean welds, never had an issue with welds cracking uh, defects and stuff. It’S very solid. We turn it around.
It has two ports. So if you want to run a uh methanol injection you can or if you want to run a boost gauge of some sort, you can also do that as well. Okay, so it has those features. It also has six mounting bolts, so you can actually install all six of your mounting bolts into this intake manifold. A lot of aftermarket ones don’t allow that some of them just have a dial pin here that sits in that hole, because boost does run through that hole.These holes that go into your block or into the intake plenum uh boost does run through it. So what happened is like, for example, on my third gen when this was installed the forward. So if i’m correct yeah that, if the front left front outboard bolt had uh would be this one had uh my boost gauge on there for my glow shift gauge. So i was able to get my boost readings from there uh, so it’s nice that it has six bolts that you can actually remount it um, the only other one to my knowledge, i know of that does that is capable of that is the bank’s intake, which Is good for all right, so why is this the best intake manifold? You can run overall, it has a dent on it.
It’S from ebay. You know it looks pretty i’ll. Show you guys. The inside super wide open full flowing also has a connect. The sensor for your uh – i still don’t remember the name, pretty sure it’s the it’s the map sensor uh but yeah, so why is it so check it out?
You guys. This is why all right number one! This accordion now check it out. Y’All. According to banks testing, when he tested out the intake manifolds right, he tested out the intake manifolds when he released his banks 4.
and 3.5 intake manifolds. Prior to that, and you can go back to the video. These runner up was the pusher three and a half inch intake manifold, okay, this and i’ll say is not a pusher intake manifold, but it’s pretty damn close to it. Okay, so with that being said, this is the second highest flowing according to gale banks, who we all know gail banks and his team over there at bankspower, they have phenomenal research and development teams.They he does the research. He knows what he’s doing. He knows what he’s talking about very knowledgeable man – i i can take my hat off to that all day every day, so going off of his word. This is the runner-up in terms of besides his brands, with the four inch and three and a half inch. This right here would be the runner up.
So what makes this better than gail banks, funds well in terms of cfm flow, nothing because his are superior, but value is where, where this wins at okay, you guys got to remember my channel is not a big flashy youtube channel, where we throw the most expensive Parts at our trucks top notch every single time, like i’m an average joe, the purpose in the og and the you know, origin of my channel is to make videos and content for everyday people out there. Just like myself, because i’m a regular dude, just like a lot of you, regular dude, just like a lot of you guys are so. If there’s a way, you can do a performance mod in your truck and get good power out of it or get a good advantage out of it, while still saving money, i’m all for it. I’M not saying take the cheapest route out there, i’m just saying if you can get good value while getting good product. Why not do it?
Okay and that’s what this channel is all about, so anytime, i can find a way to to to go around the traditional system of what to put on your truck i’m going to find that avenue, because that’s just the type of person i am, i don’t have 10 grand to drop on an engine and get it dressed up the way i wanted to look or like from the magazines you know, i’m saying so with that being said, this is being the runner-up. This flows, according to gale banks, this flows at 826 cfm, and there is a 394 cfm gain over the stock intake manifold. The other intake manifolds. He tested all fall below this one, okay. So in terms of value this is it because guess how much i paid for this 74 dollars shipped to my house.
Okay, i paid 74 bucks. This thing got shipped to my house. It showed up now what are some downfalls? Well, it has a fat dent here. I mean that’s ugly, but once it’s installed in all honesty, the injector sits here.Injector line sits here and unless you’re looking down on top of your engine, every single time, you pop the hood you’re, really not going to see it, because this is on the back side this. This is what you’re going to see on the front side. Okay, so that’s one, that’s one of the downfalls to it another downfall, um i’ll, be honest with y’all. That’S probably it uh. It would be super sweet if this dent wasn’t there.
If this dent wasn’t there, this would be like the ultimate setup right here, but it’s not uh, but for value bro. You can’t go there or you can’t beat it. You know i’m saying um by all means, if you want to spend the 350 450. However much the others are charging for theirs. You are more than welcome to do it because it’s your money and you’re entitled to do what you want to do with your money with my money, and i know how i am – and i know for a fact there are followers on this channel that are in A similar situation like me, or have the same mindset where we’re not always trying to spend the most money out there, but we still want good product for our bang.
You can’t fail here. That is why this, in my opinion, is the best overall intake manifold, 467. Cummins hate it or love it, it is what it is. Okay and again, this is my opinion. You obviously, however y’all feel i would.
I really want to hear what you guys got to say down below. Hopefully it comes out in a nice way because sometimes uh, you know anyways but yeah. So that’s where we’re at uh. This is how i feel, and that’s my theory on it or how i feel about it. I do plan on powder coating, this um down the road once we get the official colors figured out for the engine bay i’ll, take it off and get it powdered it’ll, look pretty trust me and then uh, oh yeah, it’s good stuff, all right!
Oh all! Right! All right, you guys so now that we got the great debate done. You guys heard my opinion where i came from this. Is it okay?Let me know what you got to say. What you got to think am i wrong. Am i crazy? Am i high? Am i kind of on to something either way?
I would love to hear what you got to say, but before you do that make sure you smash that, like button smash the like button and then we’re gon na go ahead and install this, i’m just gon na. Do a time lapse on this, you guys this is a super simple job. I’Ll time lapse it there is nothing, there’s no witchcraft or nothing crazy behind it. What i will say, though, is when you go to tighten the bolts down for the intake manifold torque them. Do not just put a ratchet on there or a wrench and just start tightening it until you can get as tight as possible, because those are helicoil receptacles on the engine block by the intake plenum.
Those are hello coils, so you can strip. Don’T ask me how i know this: you can strip those uh bolts very easily. I think the torque is very light. I think it’s like 18 foot pounds or something so what i would recommend is torquing them to spec uh the under bolt. So the bolt right there that that one in the middle that one is a little tricky to get to uh.
The best thing you can use is a 10 mil wrench uh. If you got a ratcheting, 10 ml wrench, that’s like bueno, perfect uh, but besides all the other ones, you can just use a regular ratchet 10 mil socket uh with an extension. Take them off all right. So let’s go ahead! All right!
You guys! So, oh i’m sorry, i got y’all zoomed out all right, so check it out y’all. This is why you change your stock intake manifold. Okay, even if you put a brand new one on it, because of that. All of that, let me get this this way.So y’all can see that man come on now, let’s go hold on a second. Let me get a pic. I got a pic or a little little flathead or something man come on now. I don’t even feel like making a mess, but i’m gon na do it for y’all, because i’m trying to show you all this okay. All of this, that is from what’s known as your exact exhaust gas recirculation system, aka egr, you don’t see, sit on intact trucks because it’s going back into your motor.
This, like my god, man like how’s, this legal, like how is it legal to have a truck doing this seriously, and then you come over here. So we go from this narrow passage. Little looks like a little old school hoover vacuum attachment, and then we come over here. Where i mean you can see the light in there. The light in there is from the light shining up top because, if i put my hand over it gets dark, dark and removed.
That is how much volume is being pushed in there. You know what i’m saying so this is a no-brainer mod now, contrary to cold air intakes. Where me personally, i don’t think in terms of performance they’re, really all that much unless you’re pushing big horsepower. This right here is definitely a mod. You can do this if you got well.
If your truck is stockish, you can do this uh or, if you’re pushing big power. You definitely want to do this to get more air into your engine. Okay, this is definitely a choke point like there’s. No there’s nothing else to say about it, um and then, in terms of the gasket man. Look at that i got sit on my snap-on toolbox for y’all y’all, better tear this video up in terms of the gasket.
It was blown out right here. I don’t know if y’all can see that you see right there where the chunk blew out at from here to here. I knew it was gon na happen, because that stud is broken. Okay, so you know best fix and then i looked up just because i was just curious. I looked up a replacement one one of these on ebay.
One of these suckers uses is going for, like 150
I’M like what in the heck so we’re going to go ahead. The only thing we got to do is transfer our little guy right. There we’re going to put it there and then that’s it, and then we got the new gasket right here and then this is a dipstick bracket. All this all of this comes with this bolt too. All of this comes with the intake kit.
Okay, i will have a link in the description box below to this exact one that i’m putting on my truck for you, guys, okay and then also for these uh. These uh screws these plugs, if you’re, not gon na use them uh. I backed mine off to make sure there was a pipe right on them. They had pipe bread on them, so it’s good. So i tighten them back down, get them nice and snug.
So you don’t have a boost leak there and then yeah. You just get a little oil or a little pet, put a little pad on the o-ring on that sucker swap her over and then slap her in. So installation is reverse of removal. So i’m going to do that. I don’t think you guys need to see that.
Okay, but i just had to show you guys this man, i had to show you that that was uh. That was definitely interesting right. There yep all right, so real, quick, you guys first things. First, i looked up what this was called because it was killing me because i couldn’t remember it. Map map not mass, not a map.
Sensor map map manifold, absolute pressure, so i took it off the oem. One was gon na put it on new one and when i took it off, i looked at it and i was like this thing looks uh it don’t. Look too don’t look too chippy. You got ta sit all over it. Get that in some light for y’all.
It got set all over it and stuff, so i got some mass airflow cleaner, which is. It is safe for this all right, it’s safe for that. So i’m going to clean that up real quick. It dries like instantly so get that clean uh. Something to check too, when uh maintenance, i mean man, jesus, look at that.
Do that thing right there, oh jesus, i should replace it, but eventually i’m going to upgrade it to like a 10 bar get a 10 bar uh map sensor. That way, my edge can read higher than 35 pounds of boost, because this is only this is only capable of reading up to 35 pounds of boost, but that’s down the road. So i ain’t worried about it. But let me get this cleaned up: real quick, get it on there and get that put on and we’ll keep rolling all right, y’all, so she’s done now all cleaned up! This is what it looks like.Torque is 18 foot-pounds for the manifold bolts provided bracket. So i had and you can see the number or the middle guy – actually you can’t, but it’s in there i got the one underneath there uh easiest way. I found to get that bolt in because it is kind of tricky because it’s not a slope come in both hands like this. Come underneath and just use two fingers and get it down in there thread them. I hand thread each bolt a couple threads and then i run them all down uh and then torque, the spec 18 foot pounds uh again you can strip these real easily.
If you go over it trust me, i’m experienced uh but yeah. This is it, though, super clean, super clean boost, pipes connected yeah. I know it’s canted, but that’s just because the angle of the the the cold pipe, but it’s still on it mates the band clamp mates around it flat. 100. I checked it, don’t worry so i figured i can give y’all and grab my keys.
Give y’all look a little somewhat cold start, oh yeah. By the way i got the windshield tenant today. So that’s why my edge is disconnected because you can’t have anything on it. So i’ll give y’all a little startup, oh yeah, she’s, smooth, yeah, yeah, , no check engine lights, baby, easy day, all right y’all. So we in the truck now man, it is super dark, not super dark, but it’s like perfect in here.
I got it just the way. I want it. Five percent on the backs 15 on the sides – windshield 35
35, with a 5 brow, that’s what’s up all right! So uh, i’m gon na go drive in town, real, quick or down the street um! It’S cold right now, so i ain’t going to get sit there and give her the sauce like that um i got to go to autozone to pick up a bent, filler gauge.
If i’m picking up a bent, filler gauge somebody drop a comment or anybody drop. A comment tell me what you think: i’m getting the bent filler gauge for, because you’re probably gon na know what video is coming up soon, um, so i’m gon na drive there. Let it warm up by the time i get there. It should be at operating temp and then on the way back i’ll i’ll get you guys on film, give her a little sauce, give her the beans and then uh, and then we’ll wrap this video up on a side. Note, though, i’ve been doing a little product testing on my seats and i have some stuff on them currently, on only on the driver’s side, not the passenger side, uh, i’m going to be also dropping a video on that, because this stuff came out amazing.
I don’t want to give it away too much, but uh. It’S some good stuff, though, but i’ll get back with you guys here in a second once i get back from autozone picking up the bent field again, all right, you guys, so we back, we back from uh autozone, just picked up the bentfiller gauge driving back now. So i thought i’d be able to get it get on the road and give it a give it a little sauce. But uh me being me being me forgetting where i’m at uh it’s friday and it’s about 4 30, so rush hour, uh anybody who’s ever been in california or southern california. You know about traffic uh, it’s horrendous!
So actually i might get a little something right here. Oh yeah, okay i’ll, take that [ Music ] she gets up. She gets up um so for tunes. I know you guys want a tune. Video me talking about the tunes and stuff um the tunes are doing good.
I love the tunes uh. I switch from the up there we go. I switch from the let’s see if that helps out. Oh, who that sunroof came in clutch y’all saw that i switched from his tune to the rumble tune uh, just because i wasn’t a fan of the manifold back pressure or dry pressure, yeah, just the back pressure, uh associated with the whistle tune, because you know squeezing The veins closed um, i love. I love them.
The only thing right now at this moment that i’m not a hundred percent fond of is the transmission shifts like fast as into six gear, and it does have tcm tuning on it uh, and it is also doing a uh relearn like it drives Good, it drives good. Okay, the transmission drives good ships, good all that stuff. You can tell it shifts better now than it did before the tunes got installed, but it just jumps to sixth gear to a little too fast uh. My third gen i had it set up just right where i had it set up just right, where uh god, damn this road sucks um, i had it set up to where it kind of holds, and it holds in fourth and fifth, a little bit longer. I delayed the lock up uh it just made it nicer for city driving that way: you’re not lugging in sixth gear, and then you got ta, give it gas to get it to drop down and stuff so uh.
But i can work with that. Uh! That’S all it takes is just getting a tuner vision through them um, so they actually have two versions of transtune. They have the tuners version and then they have red max. We got a lot of cool stuff coming up when it comes to rev max uh and i’m probably going to switch over to have the tuner switch it over to the revmax trans file um for another video.
So for another video, i’m starting to get geeked up again, all right, but uh yeah man, so you guys we got i’ll, show you all this bent filler gauge. So you probably know what we’re going to be doing soon. Um and that’s it really. You know what i’m saying so tell me what you think about the video tell me about the controversy. I can’t wait to read the comments, because i know it’s gon na be some stuff in there: okay, so uh yeah.
Until next time you guys thanks for joining. I hope you guys have a good weekend i’ll see you soon and take care. Oh, like comment and subscribe. Video all right do that. Do that all right!
You boys out