Oh, so we’re at the fat, performance compound. We haven’t been here in a while. I haven’t been here in like months murder. Oh my God! You know I actually drove here and I was like I’m going to get there and it’s not like it’s not even going to be there.
It just ceased to exist. It kind of like threw it out of my memory, so then uh I would stop missing it. So much and it’s finally done it’s over there and I’m freaking out. I need this thing. I am the right color for it yeah.They said I wasn’t allow to drive it. You got gold. On now. What happened to you? You?
You bought a Hellcat now you wear jewelry with no. This came in before the hell. He is that ninja wigger, this big mama, can I take it home, yet it’s getting stock bumpers actually no way. Why is this thing so massive? We have not had like a big truck at my house in like months.
I forgot how big these trucks bigger than this. It should be about the same height. The 5G scabs are just way taller. I bet they’re the same size. Li 44s yeah.
That’S what I need on it. I’D sell it. You’D sell it $ 3, three 110,000 right now: 110 yeah! You keep the everything you keep the lift. We take the cab W.What the and I will give you. 40. Oh okay, yeah! That’S better! I was going to say 110k for a cab.Well, if it comes with the G56, it’s about right, I I can change the face. Pl see, we need it to be a doy. We also need it to be a also very easy yeah. It wouldn’t be too terribly hard know how to do that. Hypothetically, no, we just use spacers hypothetically, it could turn back into a Dy and then I’d love.
It forever H. We trade you. What do I have that he would like nothing. What is white? What do I have this white, my single cab?
You could have another single cab Dy, you need more than one duh, the Chevy out, there’s white, the Chev. No, she don’t you don’t like L5 PS. What the I do like the limited, The Limited okay, the single cab and The Limited it’s not actually that bad of an offer. So far March 15th, if you have anything that does burnouts looks cool or even if it doesn’t look cool. If you have a picnic table, Bring It come out March, what what one was it March, 15th and 16th be here and we’re all everything’s just getting lit on fire?
Actually, we’re burning everything to the ground, trying to figure out a way that I can helicopter in. That would be sick like, but I was like I’m already going to be here. So what am I going to do like go hop in the helicopter and then fly myself back in? Yes? Yes, 100 % And then just roll in with, like 13 super models.
You know like the scene from Batman when he rolls into his own house party. That’S going to be you yeah, 100 % anyway. Are we am I taking this home now or what? What that? What’S that have to you, going, have to go up on your off for a little bit.I’M pretty far, I said a single cab and a limited. What do you think the single cab? I don’t low key? We have like like how much what do I have into it: aton limited with the 2022 front end and everything and the Cal Hood. You have another 30 on top ibly consider.
Do I keep the wheels at that price? Yeah, probably okay, yeah that that’s a little better! There’S no reason comment down below just take like half of the driveway and throw it in Blake yard, and I get to go home with this there’s a lot of new people. So this is actually this used to be my truck it. It was called Iggy um.
I basically total it. I put it in a pond and then uh, I dumped a whole bunch of money into the G56. That’S in there it didn’t work when I had it, but it worked better now right, right, yeah, it’s still a tur. It’S still a pile of ship, but like it’s a cool pile of ship. Now it’s ginormous and it’s on 30s.
It’S all white, it’s not a duy, it has been repainted, but if I took it back, I have to repaint it again. How do you open it? Shaved everything yeah Blake was like hey painter. I like waxed. I want my truck to be waxed.
I tried that once it took me two weeks and it looked like lights have moisture, that’s another! That’S like 10 grand off. That’S a lot of work to do. You said you didn’t want the bumpers, the lights are in the bumpers, oh facts, he got me. Oh, my God, he doesn’t have bags anymore, I’m done with bag.You done with bags, I’m done with bag. Only in the rear is fine, he says he’s done with bags, but there’s really a baged hellcast any right there in your brain he’s done with bags, but he he basically took the bags off and threw them on something else. You guys only have 2 weeks left to get on to win Papa Smurf. That’S my 2021 Ram 3500 mega cab, cumins leveled on some 26x 14 American Force Wheels and 33in Venom tires, got tons of color match and 30 Rock lights about to have horn. Blaster train horns inside it’s got a fully loaded, laramy leather interior, with a sunroof and 1 12200 Stars got the big fifth G screen that everybody loves under the hood.
It’S got a 67 cumin with 20,000 original miles. It still has a factory warranty. Not only do you get the title in the keys to the truck, you also get $ 10,000 in cash. All you have to do to get entered and click the link, above or in the description below today, super simple and take advantage of our times two entry multiplier. That means $ 25 will normally get you 10 entries you’re going to be getting 20, and just so you guys know that’s the last sale of the entire giveaway so take advantage on sale and get out here today and who knows on March 1st, I might be Giving you a call telling you to come pick up your truck and cash.
Good luck. Everybody enjoy the rest of the video hear that chop. Basically Blake called me today and he was like hey. You got a lot of at my shop. Come get it and I was like okay, Dad yeah.
We got this event coming up. You do have a lot of a lot of, actually so much stuff that I forget you’re, going to love, murder room. So the way we did the shifter throw it in Drive, which would be third here normally yep on a full manual, still got the Anor shs itself, but you can still throw it back to First in full manual, no yeah, so you get both Best of both world – that’s kind of pimp. Oh no! It’S like full manual without the like inconvenience, big, ass burnout pad.
That’S, let’s analyze, my Grandpa would have kicked my ass. If I would have saw cut that nothing about concrete uh it. It looks great honestly, so that was the old burnout pad from last year. Is this: where Bryce did the p drop burnout and this little space? That’S pretty crazy?What was he even hooked up to yeah? Look at another truck Co: 6. Yeah! Oh throwing the clip of bry’s four-wheel drive burnout from last year, a lot of burns on this P. Now we got all this about di on burnout.
The main show is going to be here and then the after part is going to be like right on the road. No, the point is now after party: we have it all yeah. This is the after party we’re standing standing on the two dinos two din. What the Saturday is what’s called The Bash for cash and basically it’s like all the UCC guys are fighting for like a big cash prize. Oh.
How much is it five grand I’m going to I’m going to bring cowboy and we’re going to ghetto the out of and make 3,000 horsepower? We can s Megan in this . You can’t do a donut in this B. Yeah you, probably should be fir. I’M going to kick you off the pad personally Z’s going to be here, penck Zack Pen’s going to be here.
Bryce is going to be here. Greg’S going to be here. I got to check my schedule cuz, I don’t know my dad. He kind of grounded me last week, so I don’t really really I’m going to make it. I’M I’m going to be here for sure we have to put GTR no come on.
You have the two Drive lock out yeah, but it won’t be the same power. Last time I told you not to go on a burnout pad and you didn’t listen. You know what happened. Put the GTR in the burnout pad got it. We got a set of boggers.Can I fit boggers on my on my truck? You can try got to freaking pick the table, that’s cool, so uh. If you guys don’t know. Like 2 years ago, I had the bright Financial idea to buy a picnic table and throw it on 24s and 37s. I drove it like twice and now it lives here.
Listen, we pick up the blue truck. We drop off this at Co. I’M already ahead of you. We talked about that this morning. Damn this thing is coming back and it’s going to make more horsepower than ever before, and this might be the reason why I stopped YouTube because I died, it does do burnout, it doesn’t have rear brakes.
So the little handbrake is just the front. It’S literally made to do burnout, probably before you put 24 by 14s on it yeah. Actually it was a really nice driving. Okay, it wasn’t it’s a picnic table. It never drove ni.
Funny story. I actually used to own that truck, not that truck the one behind it. Oh it for like a couple hours, didn’t you no a week, uh Lacy Blair used to have this truck. She bought it on cosignment or whatever, and she was selling it, and I happened to come over to get my the fifth gen, that’s actually in Blake shop. I was doing the 8 in mcgoy, lift on it, and this was there and she was trying to get me a buy it and for a skit I paid pal her like 90 grand and uh it went through.
So I was just out 90 grand a week and it was. It was pretty awesome. So this is my old ending level as actually ball as hell. It has 100 rock lights, it has twin turbos, paddle shifters and it’s the only any level shorty I’ve ever seen in my entire life there’s a reason: yeah cuz it keeps snaping drive shaft. Oh there is no drive shaft.Why does keep snap drive? It goes up. This much and then only has a drive shaft, this long yeah, the angle like way too steep or whatever drop snap. This one. I don’t want to put a drop box in it.
I don’t know if they make a drop m is ring away. Yeah. Take it to Third Coast they’ll find some way. No Third Coast would cut everything off and then make it a freaking monsters. Ro drive shaft in like this way yeah.
It would be a can of lever, drive, shaft system, yeah, that’s chain driven, oh shaped and also goldplated doitt, totally, not sponsored, but I wish it was do little has uh some badass trailers and Blake is actually the reason why I bought my do little cuz. He picked up this one and I was like damn that is bad, and then I saw that one for sale and I was like we could match his is a little different. His has that little big ass platform on the top. You could land a helicopter on it. His spare tire is mounted right there, which is actually you don’t use his space for anything, so I actually like is better than mine.
He also has this see them. Those are hydraulic. I’Ve been talking to do little uh ever since I picked up my trailer we’re going to take it over there. Sometime shortly get hydraulic Jack’s installed, 15K axles underneath mine. It has 12ks right now just how he has his fat, performance like emblem right here, they’re going to cut out mine and put my diamond logo on my trailer soon.
I will have a trailer just as nice as Blakes. That’S another thing. We need to figure out a place to put the ramps on mine. Also, I ordered another one, so I have a black one coming too, so I’m going to have a black 44 footer and a white 44 footer just like I said I would because I don’t all right. I am definitely not qualified to drive this.Oh, it’s delayed. It’S like a new 67. I likey step on the gas and, like 5 seconds later it decides to rev up and that’s why I liked my fifth gen, because it’s so responsive it was not like a normal fifth gen. Okay, why? This actually like kind of SC – oh my God, why is it lowkey kind of fast?
Okay? I kind of like this. We need some golf carts now. This is pretty quick. It’S kind of fun do like 27 miles 27 bro.
You can buy a tuner for tuna for an electric bro. Could you imagine? Oh gosh should start. Oh, I missed this key. This shitty key.
We brought here to get a what’s in it, a comp 3 or comp 2 comp, 2 firepunk trans ready for like 8 to 850 800,000 horsepower. It has a ratchet shifter now before it just had like the normal gear. Selector Drive, first style ugliness uh. It’S got an ant eater still, it has a throttle cable now and not a uh. We got like three new ones and none of them worked.
So we ended up banding, the one that’s on it, Comm it needs injector, but it runs damn that Das is actually sick. I know I forget how like nice, this truck is okay. He might have to put it and relearn and let the let it learn the shifts and stuff we’ve only drove it like moderately aggressive, um, Bubba drove it with it. In the drive position, though, he said it shifted and down sh like normal, but like. If he’s want to like do burnouts and beat it, you just need to go and throw it manual yeah.Is he even running no he’s laughing, though? What did he do? Is it electric you, like my truck, sounds amazing. It’S amazing yeah. It just likes to run away like every time run away.
Yeah it needs injectors like really bad, but it does run for now does run, it does drive it does if you like, yeah, if you like, half throttle it more than anything it like it’s just like. If you want to do a burnout, you need to just go and throw it in full manual. You go all the way back and then go for all the way back so first second and then third and then lock lock. I think Bottom’s lock up, tops overdrive, I’ll figure, it out about, say, you’ve had a little experience now, cuz you driving you’ve been driving that one I D yeah. Well now it’s that paint drove for a week yeah, but a full manual truck for a week will teach you a lot fact they do very good burnouts.
Oh, he just runs away ni to hop in this. I’Ve never run in this thing before. If it runs away, I just have to shut it off: okay, at least we’re not going to be Full Throttle, ready, , yep; oh my God. That’S one bad holy, oh my God – and this is like that’s stock injector.That’S, crazy! It’S just a turbo! This thing is obnoxious. How big is this turbo 66? See?
Okay, you’re, probably wondering gab. You just got it back. Why you being shot it, I’m fully mentally physically, financially prepared to put a brand new motor in this, whether it be fully fully built lawn block, or we take this motor and get everything machined and everything I want it to be. Very. Very, very, very nice, sick.
We have a murder, it drives. That’S crazy. The first drive wasn’t even a drive, I’m excited that was worth the wait, lowkey not even going to lie uh. What’S next, we load it on the trailer and then we go make a plan of attack of basically and how to make this the nastiest shorty in the world. Yes, I figured out the problem.
I was like hm. Why does the power steering not work and no belt and yep it’s gone? That would be gone. It’S laying down there. It’S still there curently.
We still have parts of it that wasn’t like that. First try. This was hanging up here at one point, but now it’s not. It was up here where that the half the dash fell apart. Whenever I started wheel hopping a little bit, this all is changing.
We already had a theory that the turbo was, you know, kind of shot. Well it I it shot her now. Ah, that’s where it is. Oh you hear that yeah. I think you needed those man.
You know poor thing, we’re going to make you nice, it’s okay. It’S all right, it’s fine all right! Let let that cool off for, forever and load up everything else load up the picnic table. First bro. Can you just throw that thing away?
I mean I love it so much! That’S my favorite thing I have. I’M not no, it still has to come back to my house certified. He does actually have a certification wa. I’M back here want me to sit inside there and hold the steering wheel.
So that’s actually a uh. You know Motors in that 2.2 L Perkins diesel engine, which basically is like a it’s like a if a 24 valve had a baby with a 4bt that a go-kart that is a go-kart. That’S my go-kart! That’S a big ass, gokart goart that you can sit at your girlfriend can sit at it and your mom can sit at it and it was a really cool idea.Whenever I first got it and I was super excited, I was like I’m going to do this. This this and this – and I just never – did anything so we’re going to refresh it this year and we’re going to bring it back. Also, I think Blake is just excited to see it not in the corner of yes, I honestly forgot see forgot. I did too until they went to pour in the concrete, like two days go and they like. What do you want to St this?
What the hell are you talking? What what picnic table by the burnout pad yeah? I we pushed it off of the trailer cuz. It was dead that day our we didn’t push it you, you went fast and it rolled off. I pushed it off the trailer and then proceeded every time.
I came over here and spun the goose neck around. I smacked the corner of it with the goose neck and now the wheel’s like barely holding on it, needed to be refresh anyway. So now I just have to redo the SC and the hood stack is kind of like sideways Turbo’s, probably blown and the motor’s probably got water in in it. Transmission barely worked before can put that 12 valve. Most people would probably just scrap it.
I’M not most people, I think that’s a hitch on it. I do that aitch yeah, I pulled my goose neck with this. Was my tow rig before I had a tow rig. You haven’t driven it since I’ve met8 months. It got like all this Fame and clout and then just disappeared.
Nobody even knows I have it. It’S in GTA, yeah literally it’s in GTA. I’Ve used it before. Have you yeah, that’s awesome now Gabe. What a good question is how the we going to unload this p, as you can see uh this was during the time of my life, wasn’t afraid of dying.
It has a spacer to an adapter to an adapter to a spacer. It’S like a a foot of spacers and the front is the not so bad one. The back has like 6 in no 8 in of spacers, you found any spacer, you could and just put it on there. I think I had more money in spacers and I did in the whole pick table. I hope this thing falls off in the mountains.
You think so. No, I don’t cuz only cuz. It would hit the limited nobody else existed. I really hope it fell off in the highway. Well.
Well, well got a new belt I’ll, throw it on the trailer and uh take murder Ram home, that’s kind of crazy. It’S been a minute. I think in once it’s in my driveway will actually click that, like back and then uh we’ll take that whole motor apart and then throw something in it, make it fast and run really nice I’ll drive it to the gym every day of my life I’ll enjoy. What here, though, it needs to be washed really bad. It looks like rust, rained onto the hood for some reason: get it unloaded wash it and then uh enjoy it for a couple days, much better attent number two!
So because this truck is so goddamn low and we actually bought this trailer in hopes that unloading and loading a low truck would be way easier. Apparently it’s not low enough GT. Gtr is not coming up here. It hits that little cross member right there on the way down yep by a lot. Well.
Well, will second gen things. Second, gen things yeah, so we’re just uh. You know filming the reveal got all washed up having a great time and it just decides to not want to work anymore. So that’s , sick yeah. I forgot this truck’s so much fun when it breaks it.
Just when it breaks, I just absolutely hate my life Hi. How are you um for some reason it cuts in and out of throttle when you’re driving it m. It sounds terrible and it likes to free rev whenever you just like, give it a little bit too much throttle injector being stuck open or something’s wrong with the pump. The air dog is on right now, whenever you kick the key on getting fuel from the air dog yeah, why? In the chicken scratching all right, we’re going to finish filming and we’re going to get the on, because I’m not trying to fit this thing up today with a goose neck round: number 72.
Aha. 10. Now we have 15 seconds before it turns off. I just got done saying: I’m going to make it like 900 horsepower triple 14 mil pump pound no triple turbos to match and then 850 over injector yeah. We should make uh probably 3,000 one time and then the entire block will snap in half the wheel falls off.
Okay, this be just terrifying bro. What the if y, would to see my face. I was like bro. Am I going to die, tell you the brace mentality, you beat the out of it and then the runs good. I actually.
I don’t know how that red truck is a lot every time. Something breaks he’s like all right: I’m going to go, do 37, burnouts, real, quick that was fun and very eventful. Um, I’m going to make phone calls figure out what I want to do with this thing. I actually am really excited to have it back. It sounds amazing.
It was really fun to drive. The shifting setup is actually baller, as hell shout out to fat, performance transmission, AOK motor Next Step, make nice and then after we get all the drivetrain working, we will address the rear end. So then it’ll lay nasty burnout, maybe we’ll make it a du for fun. You guys can bury me in this truck when I die. How old am I 22, I’m dying when I’m 27 so 5 years?
Can I take it? No you’re burying me in this. I want this to be my cast. What about Megan? I want you to take Megan.
Take this truck. Put it on the bed make a big platform. Zip tie me to the steering wheel of Megan like my hand, so I’m driving it with a smile on my face and then just lower me into a 60t deep hole and then, when they come out with like a way to like bring back the dead. Bring me back then I’ll. Just do this all over again: okay, fair enough yeah sounds about right, see you by!
Oh, my God, we’re almost to my house, so we’re literally just coasting to a stop and then trying to start it coasting to a stop trying to start it. It’S fun. It’S fun, freaking me and murder. We’Ve we’ve just missed each other. So much so it doesn’t want me to stop driving and so is taking his Jolly ass time and have this nice bonding experience me and the truck that’s definitely what’s going on here, 100 %.I mean I’d. Miss me too.