https://thedpfdeleteshops.comAlright guys we have a very interesting video today, tunes and l5p Duramax is going to be racing. This stock l5p Duramax. Obviously, we know that this one’s gon na win, but just how much faster, is this one gon na be compared to the stock one. This one’s already been lowered tuned, fully deleted I’ll, get him to explain exactly what all it’s up to this Duramax after the race. But I mean this is a bone stock.

Duramax 35 a leveling kit nothing’s been deleted in the no tune. No Banks derringer. I don’t even think it has a cold air intake, so this is that stock. That’S gon na get you’re just curious. We want to know just how much faster this is gon na, be a really exciting video make sure to get some popcorn.
dpf delete kit https://thedpfdeleteshops.comOkay, I don’t know, go get. Some blood lies something like that:, I mean. How do you feel right now about to raise Holden’s l5p with your l5p? Are we gon na put it on the street team heard race tune, whatever, whatever I feel like? A man sure easy link, we’re at the SP five switch right here.

Huh nice, that’s a hot tune: 81 huh! Hey! You got one horsepower, that’s right, all right guys, so this is Demonte I’ll put his Instagram right here. If you guys gon na, follow him, you don’t have to follow him go, but if you want to this is his l5p, he had a. He had a Silverado a long time ago.
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comRight, you did have a Silverado plastic body and he sold it had a jeep and then had another Jeep at a Mustang. Now he has a derp Mac, now he’s a real truck. What here is your truck? Huh 19 eats a ball in 2019 GMC Sierra 2500. It’S a Denali, oh it’s, a Denali he’s got the Kryptonite front end and leveling package as well as Stockton, all the wheels and the 35 inch to tow your empties and there’s holden.

Coming this way. You guys have seen him he’s been in a couple of my videos heavily modified l5p. What what does he do? Just stop backing up? We need your drone.
dpf deletekit https://thedpfdeleteshops.comOkay. What is your droning like right up her? We better watch erase some term axis pretty exciting, I’m hoping that’s, not a cop rolling up right now. Keep this show on the road. was that a good launch yeah Amen what happened she’s, not building up your boost or what uh? Please talk who’s, the room, hey. What did you did you get to build up your boost, though, or anything like that? Wait. Do you have an H, monitor, you’re, not dead before we got one and he is aweso?
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comIt’S really not here all right round two, because the first one wasn’t very good, so I’ll take ta to quarantine. I’M tired, I’m on a hillside with a bunch of flowers, not really sure. What’S going on thought, I might see a race today. I don’t know I’m really thirsty and I really want to pull the pop cam. You owe me an apology.

That was a good race. Buddy got it. Are you happy with that? One yeah for a stock crook, sighs yeah this dude, these l5 Peas are stealth from the factory Gabby. Well, they’re, 4×4.
h&s mini maxx tuner the dpf delete shops https://thedpfdeleteshops.comBooster launch yeah, okay, so buddy. What’S all done to your FIP, nothing just completely stock banks danger nope, cold air intake; nope; alright, nothing, nothing just a leveling kit. Well, we couldn’t tires all right. Well, aesthetically. It looks amazing now Holden, what’s all done to your truck uh, it is tuned and deleted through yeah, I’m running the where leaf, add EGR delete kit, the where leaf AB downpipe, the sxe 36 9 turbo kit.

I’M running all SDP piping were leaf ABS cold, where leaf ABS, coolant tank, I’m running a whirly 750 built trans, I’m running aware-lea fab to inch up pipes and isn’t currently in the 180. I tuned right now. How does about it on performance wise? And what did you do to like your suspension? Oh yes, front end is stock keys.
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comIt is literally max down and lowered as low as the stock keys would go and on the rear, Jhansi 1.4 inch drop shackles along. I pulled out the middle leaf also to drop it down an extra inch and that’s pretty much it suspension. While you still stock shocks and then it just got some tell you proxies as t3s on it alright. So that’s gon na make a pretty big difference between yours and his.

I mean you got the Toyo MT 35, and here you have three or five bucks. 50S racing tires. If you want to call it that compared to tires yeah compared, but compared to oh yeah, a muttering, that’s half the almost half the way, those those things probably weigh. If I had to guess 75 pounds of piece, my only way 44 pounds of exactly. Why mean weight reduction lowered I mean he does have you beat with the valence, though aerodynamics and pulling us off and putting it back on I’ve written mine off my 22 by 12?
dpf delete pipe https://thedpfdeleteshops.comWell, what did you guys think about the race I mean? Was I expected? You know we’re gon na. Do it again feeling a bit feel a little bit bigger, launch yeah. We are alright guys, so we had to convince the monta to erase Holden he didn’t want to race.

Well, I peer pressured him into it, free for YouTube for science. So I appreciate you raising them twice but holding us down the race any time. So if oh, we should get Cody, I do I get Cody Cody. Well, I mean, what’s his setup same setup, he’s got a sxe 366. I want to say: he’s got the 10 ml CP 3, okay and then he’s running still stock injectors, but he’s getting ready to put a few more goodies in there.
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comSo he’s also lowered right, yeah! Well, yeah! I guess you won’t call it. I’Ve got to drop shackles on the rear. Well, right now he’s sitting on his 35 s.

He sold us 22 by tens. It’S always on 35 s also in stocks with a reverse level, all right Cody, if you’re watching this send me a text. Send me a DM or whatever it’s come out here and let’s do a better race. You down all right. Give this video give this video 1,500 likes.

I will make it happen. I mean I’ll go to the Cody’s house, I’m not paying as door likes and I’ll get 800 likes and he’ll get injected. I’Ll drop 100 percentage adders on here all right 800 likes injectors and go follow Holden and then get him to six thousand. Six thousand. Six thousand you’re about to hit six thousand right close, I’m half little well about fifty five hundred.

Fifty five hundred more. Let’S get him to six thousand get this video to 800 likes we’re gon na drop one hundred percent over injectors and race Cody. What are we about to do about a little bit launched for YouTube? I mean, because why not he’s got he’s got to get more practice done. Practice makes perfect
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comWhat do you think happy was that bull? You want happy with that. Bull, why my truck’s not building a boost like that boost? Don’T want it? No, I hate that I’m thinking my own cuz.

I got less than a quarter and I think my fuel rails are dropping. Wasn’T my left ball? No low could be. You got that side. A quarter of a tank do what yeah, okay, yeah they’re racing over there, too frickin holdin.

This man bought a laptop specifically from his truck for tuning. You don’t have a choice. That’S how serious this guy is. He bought a laptop just for tuning and other stuff. He found out, he could do a Burnout.

I’M obsessed I’m about to go through a set of tires. That’S gon na be the end of the video we’re just gon na make sure we do a Burnout. Why not alright? Who wants to do burnout? Dude, alright, huh?
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comJust fine you’re, tired, so very tired, but I can’t do a Burnout. I had to turn it around all right, so we’re going to be ending this video with cam, with the RAM doing a burnout with his RAM that he recently found out that can do a burnout. Well, first, you got ta learn how to drive yeah. He doesn’t know how to drive yet all right, cam with the RAM, that’s tapes that was actually a pretty decent burnout. Okay, those actually pretty good.

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