It’S my color yeah, it’s so pretty wow, it’s a lotprettier than I thought it was going to be, because pretty good like it. I like it, yeahpretty color you going to get your learner. Soyou can drive it yeah. What’S in here! Oh you’rea little head press.
Oh that’s a good place, forfirst package for the new truck. We want to havethe bed of our truck uh. It’S very important thatwe actually have that extra space. So insteadof sticking with the traditional fifth wheelwe are going with something else and thisis part of that something else that that Ineed in order to make this work. So, yes, I knowthere’s a lot of questions out there around umyou know what it does to the warranty and allthat other good stuff and we’ll tackle that ina later video, but figure for now you justopen this new, this new thing.
Now I did buythis off of Amazon. This is a BMW, uh hitchand. What I like about this particular kitis that it comes with with a case and you haveeverything you need, so you have your your chain Hooks and you have the ball now. This is a prettyheavy duty ball and what I love about this isthat it actually has the handle right here, thatcomes down and at that point it’s locked in a lotof other ones. Have it right here well you’resupposed to grease these things, so you haveto mess with grease.
Like almost every time, youto take it in and out this all you do is grabthis handle, bring it back up this uh this ballright here retracts and you can take it rightout. This has a 30,000 lb towing capacity, so it ismore than capable of Towing our rig around whichis. What I like – and it comes with a little capto, fill in the space when you’re, not using itso. You got your two chain Hooks and the balland. The great thing is, is that it’s like kitright here and when I get to a new spot, I canjust take that out of the bed of the truck andI, have a full bed uh, so yeah more to come on uhwhat we went with, but look at that.
The new truckI love that I absolutely love that new truck somore to come more upgrades coming stay tuned allright, so we got, we got accessory number two innow we got these bad boys they came in now. Thecool thing is, is when we bought the truck youactually, get uh points towards your Ford passrewards and it’s enough points to buy like $ 3 or $ 400 worth of merchandise, and so these were $ 2.99on. The Ford Store yeah, I know they’re a littleoverpriced, but they were free. Well, they costme a lot, but for the most part they were free tome, but all right, so we’re going to install thesetoday and hopefully keep our rig from getting allbeat up as we’re going down.
The road for the first time, all right, this kit looks pretty pretty easy. Likeit comes with the clips comes with the screws youneed two sockets, a 5 1/2 mm and a 7 mm. You needa drill bit something to get the clips out of tomeasure. That way, you’re make sure you’re gettingthem right on both sides, little leveler just incase and then be able to drill the holes and lookyes. We are using the instructions, so hopefully itcomes out right kind of weird because it tells youto put a level on it.
But if we go level it looksreally crooked, here I’m going to go level yep golevel way out there is that it yeah I’ll, hold it so yeah. It looks like it’s it’s way up, inthe inside mhm, so and then we’re going togo back to the line. Tell me when to stop yephold on, go up right right there, it’s about right, ah, that it maybe it needs tocome up just a little bit all rightcheck that right there could be the roadthrowing us off too yeah. But if you standback farther, you got to think that’s. Wherecars are going to see you yeah it definitelylooks like it’s down on the inside nowdoes it yeah it’s way down.
Now, thanks pal bring the inside up a little bit a little too far too far right, right, thereis that it’s pretty much the line. Is it yeahit’s just when we screw it in we’ll have a littlebit of wiggle room like see the line? Oh yeah it’sright there yep well, the good thing is you getthat top one screwed in and then you can do thenyou do this one yeah, then you can pivot yep allright. I think we got it. Let’S uh, yeah and justmeasure.
That, let’s see, I me that’s a good 11 indrop yeah that should catch the Rocks, yeah forsure, all right so 11 in is where we’re at yeahcuz, then we’ll do the same thing on the otherside all right. So what you got to do is you gotto? Take this first, one out you got to put theflap in make take this first, one out you put theflap in and then you use the rest of these as haslike a template, and then this one will pivot untilyou, get it straight, and then you screw it in Notdifficult just want to make sure it looks goodoh I got to clip out without breaking it and we got one little bolt in there and that’s what the 5 and 1/2 is for. Little baby use this one as our first I’ll get these two and then this oneover on the bottom. Okay left cuz.
This onealready has one oh nice from the screw thatcame out from the bolt you already took. Outso that’ll be four holding it in and then wecan use a clip on the bottom one just to keepit a little more. I took the mud, flap or theuh wheel, liner off and put Clips in and nowI’m putting the screws back in because whatit says to do is put the screws in and thenhold the mud flap against it to uh to createindentions, so that you know where to drill. Youbasically create your own template. You got tohelp me uh kind of get it straight again too Moment of Truth.
Did you get what you wanted? Did it Mark it? One twothree yeah there there there and there now we got a pre-drill yeah. Let’S ruin $ 300 mud. That’Ll be good that’llactually thread through it all right,, all right uh.
So what we had to end up doing isyou get this top screw in and that way it kindof pivots on it. You put the screws in first andthen that way when you kind of smack it it leavesthe indention of the screw heads on the backsside and then you’re, creating your own templateessentially. So what I’m doing now is I’ve alreadydrilled the holes and now I’m just getting thesein there and I’ll come back and tighten them in alittle while, but I think it looks pretty freaking awesome all right there. We go look atthat now for the most satisfying part of, all big difference screw back in so we know action, shine. All right.
We’Re done look at this Ithink that looks way way better than withoutit, and now I won’t throw rocks in my rig one morething down one more to go before well, actually, weget the bed liner sprayed tomorrow, today’s Mondayget, the bed liner sprayed on Tuesday. We have towait 24 48 hours before we load anything intoit and then we’re going to go pick up our newhitch, probably Friday, install Saturday movingon Sunday. What a week all right! Let’S go! Allright good morning, good morning, first majorupgrade or update upgrade to uh to the truckI’m pull over right.
Here I was going to say it’sFebruary and it’s 41 outside in Florida. I knowthat’s normal for the north. It’S not normal it’snot, not normal or cool here. Well, it is cool ohyeah, it’s very cool, but not okay, but it is sunnytoday. So it is that’s a win it’s supposed to besunny the rest of the week actually, but we areon our way to Linx in Orlando and we’re goingto drop the truck and they’re going to spray thebed liner for us and we’re doing a drop off visitso we’re actually Going to go work from like thelocal, Starbucks or paneer or whatever’s close bythey said: there’s a few things in walking distanceso.
When you only have one vehicle you do what yougot to do so we’re going to be working. Remoteremote yeah, but uh yeah. It’S about a 40-minutedrive supposed to be there right: 9:00 a.m.
So sowe got good timing right now.
It’S only 8:00 887all right. Well, hopefully they’ll! Let us videoand, you guys, can see what they actually do. Themost scariest part of getting a bed liner done, isthem prepping the bed yeah. They got to sand thewhole to spray it cuz.
They got to sand all of itdown right, the taping off and all of that stuff iseasy, but the sanding part is always scary: um, cuzthey’re, shading off the brand new paint of a brandnew truck yeah, so they’re at least roughing. It upso it aderes to it yeah. It can’t be smooth theygot to take the clear off y um, so that’s that’salways scary, so um don’t if we can record don’t befreaked out it’s what they do so y all right, timeto roll all right. So this is what it looks like before. Just kind of your standard shiny bed and should be covered when we get back.
This is my favorite feature want to talk, and I said: did you want totalk? No, no, your turn. Okay, we are at Linx whichis, not the name of the shop. What’S the name of theactual shop? L, it’s!
No! It’S a it’s truck Truck Gearof Linux, okay, um in Orlando! In Orlando, yes, andso! This is off of Michigan Street. We are gettingour truck bed liner done today, he’s working onmoving vehicles around so that he can fit oursaround.
The building so when you pull in it’s thislittle tiny building, but they do amazing work sowe’re excited, but they also sell bed like um andwe’ve been looking at this kind of C right. Herethis is actually the one we were looking at yeahbut we’re. We want the ones with the flat rails, andso the Raaz of rails um, so we’re going to lookat how much that costs, while we’re here and seeif, we can get that done in the next few days. Mhmfor a few weeks should we say, yeah Truck Gear of Linux yeah. I like I like these.
I likethat yeah. I just don’t like this partsticking up. I like that this one is inwe, should ask which one has the leastamount of takes the least amount of bedspace mhm, like this yeah, see some of themdon’t that one’s a lot shallowerthan that one yeah V they record me just got the call that the uh truck Iswrapping up yeah, so we walked to Starbucksand spent the last 3s hours working at Starbucksworking at Starbucks and now we’re walking backso. I only took 3 hours, not bad, might usethem to do our T of cover yeah they sellall types of accessories. They do the weathertech formats.
They do that big box um bed, umoh yeah compartment system, which I would love tohave if we had like a bumper pool trailer rightthat’d, be amazing, but we don’t so nope, not goingto work for us. Nor will we ever right have anotherone. We got to cross here, but yeah. So, let’s gosee what the truck looks like now. I’M excited ahead all right.
What you you thinking looks goodI’m thinking. It looks good. I think it looks. Greatsmells smells strong, so it is a little thickfor, the um, the tail for the tailgate to latchum closed. So he said it’s still in the caringstage.
So if we leave it closed for a littlewhile, it will um. It will smoosh it a little bitum and not be as hard to to open it. It’S openand closing fine. It just makes a little bitof a sound that it didn’t make. You can tellthere’s a little more pressure on it when itreleases yeah, it’s already like it’s alreadytrying, to come out a little bit so um, so it’sstill working, everything’s working, fine, um, soI’m happy!
You happy yeah, I’m happy time to gohome time to go home work. Some more Yep what wealways do I I want to talk about the pricefirst of all. Look, how uh look, how tall she is yes, and this thing uh. It ran at 690 bucksfor, the uh, the normal one, there’s a normaland a and a premium. If it’s going to besun exposed lot, then you go with premiumif, it’s normal like if it’s going to be in atonel cover just go with normal and so that’swhat we went with so we’ll have a tel cover inthe next couple weeks, so next upgrade