How to: Installing Flo-Pro DPF Delete Pipes on 2016 6.7 Cummins
Hey guys, it’s Kyle here with dark iron diesel. Today, I’m gon na do a video on installing Flo Pro delete pipes on 2016 ram 3500 with the 6-7 Cummins. Of course, I’m also gon na do an EGR glede on it as well I’ll post that video separately. Oh yeah, if you guys find this video useful, please like and subscribe, and if you don’t find useful comments, what you want to know and I’ll try to reply and or you can follow me on instagram at dark iron, diesel and I’ll shoot me a message and I’Ll try to help you out, but anyways hope you guys enjoy the video. So this is a truck we’re working on today, it’s nice and clean, which is what I like to see – and this is part number 8, 6, 8 & B alright.
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So first thing you want to do: is you want to unplug all the sensors? We got one up here unplug this thing here. It’S got the locking tab slide it over slide the red piece up and then pull it off. This is kind of a pain in the ass to take out. I usually just grab pliers and just kind of wiggle it and just rip it out and just pop this off or if you know, you’re, not reusing it.
I mean even just putting a little pry bar there and prying it off and is usually puffs off, not pops off, not bad and another plug here and there’s plugs all over this thing. Moreover, in the back here, so what I’m gon na do is I’m gon na I’m gon na, take it out and then I’ll show you what it looks like and we’ll go over the plugs, then okay or anything disconnected now all these bugs and everything I just Want to show you where I’m gon na be unbolting it. So here’s your down plate that goes way up to the table, I’m just gon na unbolt it here. That’S three bolts or three knots in there 16 millimeter. If you’re doing a four inch exhaust, you just bolt it up to here as well, because this is a four inch pipe.
So there’s no reason for flow Pro to send you a kid right from the terminal, because you already have a four inch. Did you go to a five inch exhaust and you’re gon na be taking this pipe off the turbo and putting a turbo back five inch anyway? So, there’s that one, here’s the middle one, also sixteen millimeter nuts and then the back one soak it down into penetrating fluid, because this is really rusty. This is a fifteen probably going to need a hammer to tap a fifteen socket on there, but try not to break this, because you really need this clap if you’re doing the delete pipes, if you’re not doing the delete pipes, I just got a sawzall and just Chop it kind of up here somewhere and then just pull it off in two pieces thing I want to mention before I forget. I see these under Max’s Cummins, whatever I do not know how they unplug.
Here I have no idea, so I always just unplug them at this end, it’s a simple plug and this was bolted up there somewhere and then I just unbolted it, and this will go off with the exhaust. So that’s how I deal with these because I’m sure some of you guys are gon na. Have that question when you see this plug. This is at the back of of the filter here. So the back of the exhaust for the tailpipe connects.
So so I’m having a little problem here, I can’t get either section out because there’s not enough play in the exhaust hangers. So basically, this is just. This is just kind of wedged in here right now. So what I’m gon na do is I’m going to take a sawzall and at the back here this is a tailpipe section here. I’M gon na cut it on the inside of this weld and then I’m this part will drop down and then I’ll have this little chunk left in here and I’ll be dealt with a hammer after and that’s gon na be way quicker than you know, I’m bolting Taking this tailpipe off or you know, taking the the down pipe off the turbo, so that’s what I’m gon na do!
Okay, so here we have it out so I’ll quickly go over everything you see, I’m plugged. So, on this front section we got one two and then this guy here for three, this back section, we have your def injector, this connector, the one here another one here I think that’s it. So what was our four here’s the whole like what I said. I was gon na. Do just cut this pounding.
Oh, it worked perfect. So here’s the odd piece and then there’s one more sensor on the on the tailpipe right after the clamp. I got time plug that one too, but that one stays on the truck. So here’s what it looks like under the truck there was this guy that was on the down plate. These are all these are always stuck into the side.
I always use a upholstery tool and pop them out, and then it gives you a little more wire so that you can, you know, work more to get them out, unplug them. Sometimes you need to use a pick and shovel pick in here and try to clean up some of the dirt and stuff like that. That makes it not want to come free here. All these guys and yeah all the way back to here. So I’m gon na stick these guys back where they belong in the frame and any one that’s left, hang you know with all those dip time up tight and then I’ll put in the delete pipes all right.
So we got the delete pipes in one clamp here, and it’s got this clamp up there. That goes on those hangers in the back hi. I buff this out with a buffer wheel and then sprayed some penetrating fluid on there and then slip this pipe in and work good and then and then I slip this pipe in the connection, and then I did that one end. I I did that at the end there, so everything went in really smooth and I had no issues. The this back pipe is bent a little bit right here and the instructions just said to put the inside of the bend to the frame.
So it’s what I did and it all seemed to work good, so yeah, that’s that’s it we’ll go fire up and see how she sounds. So I’m not sure what you guys are using for tuning IFI live. I’M also gon na have to unplug these there’s. Also a throttle valve on the back of your intake elbow. You got ta unplug that if you’re running the EFI live tune in and then this guy up here, so just something to keep in mind.
You’Re gon na want to unplug that. So I better just get rid of it, which is what I’m gon na do on this truck, and I’m gon na make a video of me get rid of this EGR as well. But I just figured that I should mention that, so that’s it for the video, like, I said, I’m gon na keep router here and make another video doing the the EGR delete on this truck anyways. If you guys have any questions, comments feel free to comment and I’ll reply find me on the Instagram at dark iron. Diesel shoot me a message if you guys got any issues about anything.
These are related. No I’ll do my best to help you and, like I said before, please like and subscribe. It really helps me out making these videos for you guys so anyways thanks for watching. I hope you guys enjoyed