You know I thought by now we’d be done, makingPowerstroke videos, but here we are yet againmaking, another video, But this time I want toswitch it up Instead of looking at the 6.0LPowerstroke or the 6.4L Powerstroke. Both ofwhich, we know are problematic. We’Ve alreadymade videos on them.
I want to look at the newermotor. I want to look at the 6.7L Powerstroke andfind out everything wrong with that motor.Now. If you didn’t already know the 6.7L Powerstrokeis the current engine used by Ford and it’s thelast engine in the Powerstroke lineage whichstarts with the 7.3L Powerstroke, then the 6 .0Lpowerstroke then the 6.4L Powerstroke and nowthe 6.7L So get buckled in get comfy. Let’S takea look at the 6.0L and everything wrong with it.
Real quick for those who don’t know whyFord built this engine. I think we shouldrewind the clock a little bit and see wherethis came from and what makes it so differentas compared to the 7.3L. The 6.0L and 6.4L beforeit.Previous Powerstroke engines were built, byNavistar International
The 7.3L, the 6.0L andthe 6.0L, were all built by Navistar, rather thanFord themselves. Navistar put theseengines together on Ford’s behalfand, then Ford simply just paid them for themotors plopped them in their F-series truckand. That was that
The 6.0L was developedand replaced the 7.3L because of one thingand, that’s emission standards, The governmentand.
The EPA specifically make it increasinglydifficult to pass emission standards by raisingthe bar consistently This artificially forcesinnovation on manufacturers to produce cleanerengines all with the aim of cleaning up the airthat you and I breathe.
As to why they don’t putmore focus and energy into the aviation industry or the maritime transportation industry or themilitary industry, where there’s little to noemissions components at all on any of those piecesof equipment, I have no idea.That’s a differentvideo entirely, but regardless the EPA’s focusis to decrease Emissions output on vehicles, So with the 6.0L they were able to squeeze by theemission standards that were getting stricterthat. The 7.L could not pass
But the 6.0Lended up becoming incredibly problematic andcosted Ford, a ton of money in warranty claims, So Navistar came back to them with a 6.4L which wassupposed to provide even better emissions. Outputto continue passing the stricter standards and fixthe problems that they had created with the 6.0L
Unfortunately, the 6.L Powerstroke was also veryproblematic and Ford only used it from 2008 to2010. After the failure of the 6.0L and the 6.4L Ford dropped Navistar and decided to design andbuild their next Powerstroke engine in-house, which was the 6 .7L aka the Scorpion.That was backin 2011 and the 6.L is still being used today, which is a testament to how superior it is tothe, Powerstroke engines that came before it. But although it’s a much better engine than theearlier Powerstroke engines, it isn’t completelyproblem free Real, quick. I want to mentionthat, there are three generations of the 6.7Lpowerstroke.You got the first gen from 2011 to2014, the second gen from 2015 to 2019 and thethird gen from 2020. Until now, With that out, ofthe way, let’s take a look at the most fatal flaw: the number one problem on the 6.0L Powerstrokeand: that’s the injection pump from Bosch. It’S theCP4 2 injection pump – This is the same injectionpump that you’ll find on other diesel trucks, likethe LML Duramax, some 6.7L Cummins engines, the5.0L V8 Cummins in the Titan XD, as well as manyother applications. It’S arguably the most popularinjection pump available for manufacturers to useon their engines, but it’s also known for beingquite problematic.
If the pump self-destructs, it will send metal fragments through the linesand rails into the injectors and then out ofthe return system. Detecting this failure, beforeit happens is basically impossible and by the timeit’s through you’ll need to replace the pump the lines the rails. The injectors and more.The problems typically occur when contaminants getinto the fuel.The whole reason that manufacturerschoose the CP4 pump over the CP3 pump isproduction cost and weight.
The CP4 pump is muchlighter thanks to its aluminum construction, andmuch, cheaper
Typically, these pumps see failure ator before the hundred thousand mile mark, depending on the quality of fuel and how wellthe truck is maintained, While there isn’t reallya, singular source of problems with the CP4 pump. A lot of it revolves around the debris and metalshavings from cam erosion. Those metal shavingsare, eventually passed through the whole fuelsystem and, as time goes on, it’s really only amatter of time until something fails, entirely.There’s not really one way to fix this problem, but there are some aftermarket solutions to helpcover it up and sort of fix it Really. The bestfix for the fuel system and the Bosch CP4 pumpis to just properly maintain your fuel system.
Use good fuel change out your fuel filters, whenyou’re supposed to and that’ll mostly fix thatissue.The next problem is one that actuallysurprised me during the research phase, forthis video and that’s the turbocharger Most ofthe turbo issues start with the turbo itself, which is the Garrett GT32 SST. That’S the turboFord used on the 2011 to 2014 models Before weget into the problems on the turbo. I wantto quickly highlight what makes this turboso interesting.
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And that’s the fact that it’seffectively two turbos packaged in the size ofone This works by using two compressor wheelswhile only using one turbine wheel.
Unfortunately, this turbo has really small compressor wheels, which means it has to spin very, very fast in orderto, produce the target boost levels needed for theamount of performance. The engine offers which iswhere some of the problems start In stock form. It’S not uncommon to see the shaft speeds hitover a 100,000 RPM and over 150,000 rpm whentuned. Unfortunately, this means that the 2011 to2014 Super Duty trucks didn’t have exhaust brakingability, because Ford wanted to keep the turboalive and exhaust braking would definitely kill. Iteven quicker
With such high shaft speed, there’sa ton of work for the bearings to do The GT32 SSTgenerally fails because of the dual ceramic ballbearing center section that Ford used but theyfixed some of this by switching to steel bearingsin.
2013. Ultimately, though, this turbo didn’t givethem the peak performance that they wanted so in2015. When the gen 2 motor came out, they switchedto a more traditional style turbo with the GarrettGT37. This new GT37 turbo features a much larger61mm compressor and 72.5mm inducer compared tothe GT32 SST, with its 46mm compressor and 64mminducer
By using much larger turbo, wheelsthis new turbo flows way more air and doesn’t haveto work nearly as hard as the old turbo whichsimply means lower shaft speed and more power.
heGT37 also utilizes a journal bearing center whichis, not necessarily better, but it’s definitelycheaper to rebuild when or if It fails It’salso worth noting that the 2011 to 2012 truckscommonly have a coolant leak on the turbo coolantinlet pipe, but Ford quickly fixed. That issue. Thenext issue that I want to cover is one that causeda lot of controversy, because it left emergencyvehicles powered by the 6.7L stranded on the road
At least one faulty EGT sensor was identifiedon the 2011 to 2012, F350, F450 and F550 trucksequipped with the ambulance package. The emissionsafter treatment system on the 6..0L Powerstrokefeatures several EGT sensors.When, one of thesensors, fails a vehicle, may shut down whiledriving and fail to restart entirely Outsideof. The ambulance package trucks, the EGT sensorsare generally known for being problematic on the6 .7L in general And again, if one sensor fails, you can be stranded To be fair, though the EGTsensors are really cheap, they’re, like 35 or 50bucks, and they’re super easy to replace Theygenerally, take under 20 minutes to swap out. So it’s really not that major of an issue Yeahit’s annoying, but it’s it’s not any sort of majorcatastrophic problem.
Moving on the next commonissue is something that plagues pretty much alldiesel trucks with modern emissions, equipmentand, that’s the EGR cooler.
Luckily, after allthe EGR cooler issues with the 6.0L and the 6.4L Ford worked really hard to make sure that the6.7L EGR cooler would be much more reliable, but unfortunately it still can be a source ofproblems
Like the 6.4L, the 6.
L uses two EGRcoolers, but this time they’re enclosed withina, common housing, instead of being separated, Thecommon housing is specifically designed to allowfor expansion and contraction without rupturingthe EGR coolers. The EGR valve also controls theexhaust flow before the EGR coolers, rather thanafter it. Like previous Powerstroke engines,
Whileit doesn’t rupture nearly as often as the olderEGR coolers, the 6.7L EGR cooler is still knownfor getting clogged with soot, especially ontrucks that have a lot of idle time.Becausediesel engines.
Don’T produce that much heat whileidling, they don’t burn up hydrocarbons, So trucks with a ton of idle time will end up witha ton of soot in the EGR cooler that could havebeen burned off if the truck was driven duringthose hours rather than idling, Because theymoved the EGR Valve to the hot side, Ford mostlyfixed, this issue, but it’s still there
For peoplewho, don’t particularly care about havinga legal truck fully deleting this systemis the easiest way to fix this issue and ensurethat. It never comes back, But it’s a pretty bigfine if you get caught on the road with a deletedtruck, so tread lightly.The. Last few problems Iwant to cover are that the nitrogen oxide sensorsare also known for failing quite a lot on the 2011to 2012 trucks. Those same early model trucks, arealso known for having defective radiators fromthe factory, and on top of that early productionengines, are also known for dropping glow plugs, which can cause catastrophic failure.
I think it’sworth mentioning, though, that these incidents withthe glow plugs are not that widespread and havenot been seen often enough for Ford to recallthe issue.
It’S not an issue on the later trucksand. It’S almost entirely associated with earlierchassis cab models, There’s also issues with theupper oil. Pan gasket leaking a ton as well as thefront cover on 2013 and later trucks, because ofFord switching to a silicone style, gasket.It’salso worth noting that the crankcase pressurefilter can get clogged up and cause crankcasepressure to go through the roof which thencreates even more oil leaks.
Because of the amountof pressure Outside of the problems that we justmentioned there’s really no other major issueswith the 6.7L, it’s super reliable as comparedto the 6
0L and the 6.4L as an engine shouldbe, There should not be a lot like any of thesevideos that cover problems with specific engines. They shouldn’t be very long. Videos Becauseengines should not have that many problems.
So it’s nice to see that Ford took a lot of thelessons from the 6
0L and the 6.4L and fixedall of them, So the 6.7L is a lot better and youcould even make an argument that it’s the bestPowerstroke engine ever.Yes the 7
3L is arguablymore reliable, but part of that is because it’s amassive engine that barely makes any power andit has no emission systems. So when you lookat it that way, the 6.
L is smaller, it’s moreefficient, it’s cleaner and it makes more. Power.You could honestly make an argument that the 6.7Lis better than the 7.3L and deserves the crown ofthe best Powerstroke engine ever I’m not goingto leave my opinion on that because you guyswill go absolutely crazy. So I’ll let you guysdebate that down in the comments below, But I also think it’s worth mentioning that most ofthese issues that we’ve talked about were on thegen 1 truck.
So you saw a lot of the issues. Wereon the early model trucks like 2011, 2012, 2013
Most of those issues were solved by the time. Thegen 2 trucks came around so 2015 and later trucksare, much more reliable with the 6.7L Powerstrokeand by the time the gen 3 rolled around pretty much all the issues are gone.Gen 3 isincredibly reliable and has almost no major issueswhatsoever.
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