Welcome back to Minimaxxtuner.com reviews, I did a video saying why you should not buy a douy and at the time I didn’t own one. I just got my points based off of people who actually own these trucks in the past. Now that I’ve owned one, I’m going to give you guys my perspective on well dues. I am here at Jerry, serer Buick GMC in South Jordan Utah. This downpour metallic duy is available.
It’S a Denali. If you would like to buy it be sure to reach out to Frank I’ll, put his information here down below and let’s go ahead and talk about my first point. I did a video probably about 3 years ago on why you shouldn’t buy a duy. You guys probably would remember it. I want to say a lot of people actually found my channel based off of that video.
So I made a lot of points. The first point I’m going to discuss in this video is insurance. Now I mentioned in that video that insurance is going to be more expensive for a dual now. I obviously debunked that, because I owned the duy and guess what the DU was actually cheaper than both of my single rear, whe trucks. Now, obviously, the MSRP was cheaper and that’s kind of why it was a little bit cheaper too, but based off what people told me and what I read online dues have a higher premium because of the gross fuel Kuwait rating.Well, that’s just not true. So one thing you have to understand is this: every state is different and some states May classify these bigger trucks differently for a premium, and that’s just not the case here in Utah and for my insurance, which is State Farm now. Something else that I had mentioned in that video was that your registration fees are more money and again here in Utah. That was not the case in Maryland. It was the same situation if you were to get a duly or if you were to get a singer rear wheel, truck 14,000lb gross field, qu rating 12,000lb gross field, qu rating 10,000lb gross field, qu rating – it was – was all the same.
It did not matter with the classification of this truck now, if you were to go above 14,000 lb to a 45 or 5500 that could change things a little bit and maybe I’ll do a follow-up video on insurance for a 450 350 4 truck, since they do Have a dtune version of that pickup truck and maybe I can put it up against a 450 cabin chassis versus a 450 uh dtune GVWR. Let’S go ahead and get to the next point. You guys ready for this. One thing that I learned about owning a duy is this: if you ever need to take your truck out, guess what parking is a beast, so I’m here at a restaurant, I decided to take my wife, and this is the only truck that was available for us To get in and drive, if you want to park these big trucks, you can’t just pull in to a parking space like this. Like this, this isn’t going to happen.
Let me show you guys what I’m talking about, so I just hit the curve. That’S the curve right there. Okay, that’s the curve. Let’S go aad and check out the camera view here. So here’s a 360.You guys see how I’m pulled into the parking space. I’M actually not that bad. Now, obviously, I can back out straighten up, but the truth to the matter is: if you are looking to buy this type of truck you have to back in, not because of how long it is, but because of the du, it’s a lot easier to back. This thing in when you’re basically backing up – hopefully you guys, can see what I’m doing here, I’m not looking at my camera, I’m looking at the mirrors so on this side, I’m in the line on this side, I’m in the line right. So the reason why you want to back in a du is because, if you don’t back it in well, someone could probably back out of their parking space and scrape the side of your dual bed.
So you want to make sure those are in that way. That way, you don’t have any damage. That’S what I learned from having one the next point I’m going to make was actually from the comment section. I didn’t even think about this. If you’re someone who likes to run your car through a car wash well, unfortunately with these dueles and really not just the DU, but how long these trucks are, you may not be able to get in that car wash now.
It does show just a clearance. It doesn’t seem like there’s any restrictions for dually for this car wash, but make no mistake. There’S a lot of car washes that you cannot go in and also, if you plan on going to like the bank, like there’s a bank across the street there that bank, if you like, to go through the Windows like so you don’t want to go inside there Might be some issues for you to get in at that bank, so you might have to skip that also fast food, restaurants. If you go to McDonald’s or something like that, you don’t want to get out of the car. Sometimes I will just go out and grab something, and I look like a hot mess like I’m in my pajamas still, and I really don’t want to get out of the car and in those cases right.The DU is the worst option because you may not be able to get through the drive-thru as easy as you could, with a single rear wheel truck this next point, I’m going to make. I still get this question on my channel. Do you think you can live with the Dual long-term unloaded? I think that Chevy and GMC trucks are the most comfortable dualies on the market. So, if you’re looking at these trucks, I can answer that safely for most people.
Yes, you can definitely live with this truck. If you’re looking at Ram Ram, trucks are really stiff, they are really built for towing, like I’m about to go over a bump real quickly. I want you guys to see me right now. Here we go so again, I feel as though GM pickups in duly form are the most comfortable without weight on them. Now, if I go over a speed bump or if I hit something in the road, it’s still a duly because those du are obviously going to be more stiffer back there and suspension is set up to be more stiffer.
So when there’s no load back there, they are a lot harder to live with dayto day. So when it comes down to a lot of different things like using these trucks, day-to-day is not as easy. I think I would probably still prefer to have a second vehicle if I still own to dual, because these trucks are not as com as single rear, wheel, trucks. There’S just no comparison. If you were to drive this then go drive a single rear wheel, you’ll notice instantly on bumps, especially at low speeds, they’re, just a lot stiffer now, let’s talk about the numbers on the door, so the reason why you buy it dually is because you want payload.Obviously, 14,000 lb is the gross field, quate raing, every duly, whether it be Ford RAM, Chevy GMC. Every du is going to have a 14,000lb gross field, quate rating. Now I have seen in the past where some manufacturers like Ford, will allow you to dtune a duly down to like 13,000 lb and because, at the end of the day, if you’re looking to tow a fifth wheel, trailer any kind of recreational trailer, you don’t have To worry about the gross combined weight rating limit, because you can still tow a fifth wheel, trailer 20,000 lb plus the 14,000 lb that’ll, obviously put you over 26,000 lb right. I think it’s 26,000 And1 lb that will not require you to get a CDL license now, if you’re looking to tow a tag, trailer um any enclosed trailer, and that puts you over 26,1 lbs and you are going to be required to get a CDL license. So that’s the negative about owning these trucks.
Yes, they do have a huge towing capacity, big payload, but it will restrict you for what you can tow with your regular class a driver’s license. That’S why a lot of guys will Dune their trailers down to 9900 lbs, which is why I did that with my race trailer, because I could have gone up to 104 or I could even gone up to 14,000 pounds. But I didn’t want to restrict myself if I ever decided to get a dualy or even a uh single ra whe truck, and it puts me over that 26,000 lbs because then I could get pulled over and besided for not towing with a commercial driver’s license. So you have to keep these things in mind, so let me show you guys the payload on this truck and we’re going to pretty much wrap this thing up. Cuz.
I didn’t have much on this. I just wanted to kind of follow up with it and, as I said earlier, owning the DU truck for me personally was great. Now, here’s a payload, 5,216 lb. This truck is pretty loaded, it’s a Denali, so it definitely has all the options that you would want. Now something else I didn’t mention in my last video and owning the truck, I figured it out really quickly.Maintenance is going to be more money with dual trucks because you have extra tires so something I’ve noticed, and I want to say this real quickly. Is you guys see you see how the outer part of the tires are not wearing like the centers? That is something that you’re going to see with dual. So when I have my 37x 12 and a half, you guys saw something pretty similar to this and there’s really nothing. You can do.
The reason why that is is because this truck doesn’t have a load on it once you add 2,000 3,000 lb of load on this truck. The tire is going to be wearing evenly when it comes down to this right. If you’re not doing a lot of Towing you’re going to have to rotate these tires, often now up front, you guys can see it’s not really doing it. You can see that the tire has an even wear patch on the ground, but out back the inner and outer du. You don’t have that even patch.
Now some guys will actually lower the PSI on the inner top. I think I might have hit the recording button on my camera and stopped it, but what I was saying was: sometimes people will lower the PSI in the inner tires to make them wear more evenly, but in most cases, you’re going to have to rotate the tires And by doing that, you’re going to have to remove them from the wheels and basically put them on to the other Wheels because the wheels don’t match each other. So that’s unfortunate for du, so it’s going to cost you more money for the rotate. The last thing I want to mention in this video is this: if you’re looking at a widebody luxury fifth wheel like a jco, pinnacle or North Point, Keystone Montana, or even a Forest River Cedar Creek any of those big widebody luxury fifth wheels or a triple axle Toy hauler from like Alliance or grand design you’re going to need to buy one of these trucks, in other words, if you’re looking at a widebody fifth wheel over 16,000 lb or 15,000 lb and that’s dry weight. If it starts over 15,000 lb, you probably need to consider a duy 100 %, really the gross Feld KU rating for a single rear.Whe. One ton, I would say, should max out at 14,000 lb gross field, Kuwait rating, so the dry weight should be around 11,000 to 12,000 lb. So once you start getting into those 165 gross fuel, coate ratings and really any triple axle toy hauler, this is the truck you’re going to need. So I’m not telling people to not buy duy and buy luster truck for a big trailer. I’M only telling you that well don’t buy douly if you’re not willing to deal with what I just told you in this video.
Yes in some states, you might have to pay more for registration and insurance. Yes, the truck does ride a lot harsher. Yes, this truck is harder to live with they, especially when it comes down to parking, because a lot of places where you park at don’t have big parking spots right. So yes, you’re going to have to buy a duy for a big trailer, but you could do what I did. I decided I wanted a 2500 again and I got the at forx, so I got a travel trailer.
I sold my fifth wheel and I went down to a travel trailer and I haven’t looked back. Don’T get me wrong. I do miss my fifth wheel. There’S a lot of things about fifth wheels that definitely still win, but we decided not to get a toy hauler. We were going to get a triple axle toy hauler and we decided not to do that.
So I figured why have a big truck if we’re not going to have a big trailer. So, that’s why I always do my videos showing you the payload, that way you have an understanding of these numbers. But, yes, the dueles are definitely worth it. If you’re planning to tow big and don’t listen to some of the guys online, some guys will try to get a 3/4 ton Ram at a 10,000lb gross field, quate rating, so they can tow more trailer if you’re planning on doing any kind of hot shot. I would just say: go all the way like do it.
The right way get the biggest truck you can that way you have the best safety. I know a lot of people are trying to prevent themselves from paying more, but that’s the beauty of of growing. If you do things the right way, I feel like good things come to you, but if you’re trying to be a cheap, skate, well, you’re only cheap skating yourself at the end of the day, so hope you guys like the video. I think that the duy is still a really good option and right now, they’re, starting to pop up at dealerships this truck’s available. They have a white one, that’s available, they’re, both Denali, so reach out to Frank.
If you would like to purchase this truck, see you guys soon.