BEST Mods for N80 Hilux (Start to finish build & Offroad TEST!)

BEST Mods for N80 Hilux (Start to finish build & Offroad TEST!) 
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comStart to finish this episode, we’re throwing on some spicy modifications for this n80 High. Let’S get these wheels on, why did I only ever work on cars when it’s you coming in here? You just bang out of be finished. You’Ve just watched the build we’re here to prove it can do the test TR, it’s kind of become a thing. As you know, Mac never builds a vehicle that can’t complete the test track.

Is that going to climb so settle in this episode? Has it we’re down a s, dropping the SR5 off. We got Mitch here so post Rego talk us for we’ve done some SSM stuff, which is preo yeah preo. So this will get done. Post registration, engineering, so very simple.

With this we’ve done. All of the testing required Lane change test that sort of thing, so we can do a post Rego. Approval of this is only going to be a 2-in lift cuz. That’S all the laws allow us to do, but still going to be 100 % street legal. We coil SW, get it handling and flex sure you’re, not in sales.

That was really good Superior. Have these coil conversion installs down to a fine art and with the time restrictions we’re facing around this build we’ve decided to let the professionals do what they do best. However, if you’re chasing a more in-depth video regarding this install, we did it about 2 years ago in Max shed I’ll, throw a link for that in the description. But for now this episode. Well, it’s going to be a little bit different.
MINI MAXX V2 https://thedpfdeleteshops.comThe Highlight is back and I’m Mega stok like that, was a pretty cool experience going down and picking up the hux already done so it is now coil swapped in the rear. Super have done an absolutely amazing job, and now it’s my job to make it look a bit prettier. So first things: first we’re getting rid of these stockies and we’re putting on you guessed it kmc’s. We got some Billet KMC goodness s make this thing. Look a little tastier before we head on down to Fat bars and see the boys down there and um get a little bit of protection on this flexy boy.

I’Ll tell you! This is a sick car like I know you guys haven’t seen much of it and literally it’s 2 weeks and it’s given away well when this comes out like one week and it’s given away, but it’s been a cool car to build and I’m just frothing that A shedlife club winner, you know, know someone who supports this uh from through and through is going to win it. You know just really excited about it, but anyway, let’s get these wheels. on CR for the win, no break a bar needed baby, bring her in oh watch. The camera watch the camera.

Oh we’re going to have to go up a bit on the oyster. I think these look fantastic. They are looking extremely spicy, oh dude. I just what is it with Hues? Why are they just so damn cool if uh, if you’re building a car, you do a mod and you don’t go.

Oh that was sick. Then uh you’re, probably building the wrong car. So yo yo, let’s crack it! How much I’m on me way to go wheeling and I don’t have any sliders, so I thought I’d just pop in get some of them same day. Sliders.
BEST Mods for N80 Hilux (Start to finish build & Offroad TEST!) 
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comIf you got any, you got the wrong place. Uh so coil swap in particular would be fantastic, hey. You know. I just keep set them on the show, just in case ah excellent and8, just for just just for a Monday like this sweet, oh you got any rear bars too. I’M TP.

The best part is like people have been going in and going oh yeah. Just if I same I’ve made his life so hard, it’s fantastic. The lines aren’t there for no reason mate is that what those two tiny black marks are. Is that a legit thing anyway, you’re wasting the day mate? This looks great there.

I got all day. It’S same day sliders, so we’ve got all day. It’S actually same hour, that’s what we’re operating on anyway, we’re down here at fat bars, we’ve come to see Tom and the boys actually got a rear bar. I’Ve talked ma into putting a rear bar on this thing. I’M a little excited about it.

To be honest like it, it looks really. This is like the perfect build for it too. So it’s got R recovery points it actually like is fairly strong and it looks really good too. Let’S go ahead and we’ll do some work and then we’ll put it in the right spot. So we don’t with Tom’s OCD too much longer brother good G call me brother, fat bars makes sliders fall, that’s a bit tasty.
h&s mini maxx tuner https://thedpfdeleteshops.comIs it wor today? So I didn’t expect I’ll be doing that’s silly silly. I am silly how many spies does it take to do Sliders in a rear bar one and a half we both before we go any further? Is there any more silly questions um? No, he didn’t have to be reminded either.

No, I thought that’s Min. That’S mini Shockers, that’s mini shock bra. I forgot. That’S mini Shockers bra, oh getting a sore neck, already where’s a horse when you need one there, one right there with nothing on it. You don’t need a hor to install a rear bar man come on it better, be nice.

Why is it I only ever work on cars when it’s you coming in here best friends, easy easy, easy? Why are you pushing it in cuz you weren’t pulling out I’ll straighten her up, pull it out. You pull it out, I’m pulling out, never pull  out. You know what makes me sad what, but I don’t get to keep this. That bar looks really good yeah you’ve seen one before hav.

You not yeah, not really, like. I remember seeing them in raw when you first made them and you’re like oh this top secret. I have to face a certain way. Yeah the same way they came out. Yeah Ro really liked be coming out and saying: hey mate just need a rear bar real quick.
BEST Mods for N80 Hilux (Start to finish build & Offroad TEST!) 
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comYou just bang out a rear bar that be great. That’S that’s a real Sparky at work. Nice work. That’S a real Sparky at work. I could have done it.

I just didn’t want to fell for it hook, line and sink up. Yeah, that’s impossible! You’Ll never be able to clean that over again. Dary cleaned the untouched spot of this car yeah, the unreachable Bar’s done, and it’s going on. We’ worked out that I’m the best Sparky in the world and he’s not yeah, that’s tough.

That was T I like it. I like it a lot, something that is overlooked. A lot of the time is a a nice Guard Shop, any build. That comes in that we do wheels and tires on will get this and you never really noticed that it’s been done, but if you do it properly, you can clear pretty much 35s on it. So he’s going to rip into the guard shop and make it all nice and neat and then we’ll show you what it looks like after afterwards, a lot of guys just end up absolutely, absolutely hacking the hell out of their guards yeah.

We see it all the time. Yeah like I’ve, done a nice little chop here and I had some edging on it, but it wasn’t enough. You said yeah, the the main thing people don’t do is this, which is like a big pinch world. That um need to be like flattened and that’s probably the most dating part of doing this is is flattening that out, but you really need to do that. Otherwise, it’ll just like chop the tire and it pushes a guard out.
dpf deletekit https://thedpfdeleteshops.comOh spot y. This is like a cute couple like back in the Caravan honey which way do I go left hand down, keep it coming, Keep It Coming left hand down, don’t made me get in there and do it myself, wait, wait, wait, wait, cooked it get out better get This on the spot, first crack you’re, 20 mil off front and back so, if you guys ever been on fat Bar’s social media, this is the iconic. This is the spot. This is the spot. My dadd calling me baby.

So he know he got to pay me got. This is a fresh product. I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like this on shed life, no, no real bar content. So no, I actually really like it um yeah. That runs all the way through and that’s B of the frame.

So that’s a r to recovery. Point, that’s cool there! You go! You don’t have to do anything with your toe with your toe bar um, it all sort of integrates in as one. So.

That’S also a good thing. I don’t think you thought about it. Yeah you’d think that me what I want or is you out here, capping like them and they tricking is a sport and baby. You ain’t got to play, never think it’s sweet, I’m more! Like sour lemonade running down the court baby, still ain’t learn the game, got it out.
BEST Mods for N80 Hilux (Start to finish build & Offroad TEST!) 
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comThe M, don’t forget. If you want to win this bad boy, just join shed life Club. This is shed life club members only can win. this sec. I portal.

Oh you portal. Oh here it is how’. We get here. Well drive the car, you really! Oh okay, I’ve got a spaceship back.

There, we’ve got the superior engineering Jeep. Why do you even have that uh I’ve been down there doing some R & D fitment on the land C, the world’s best Land, Cruiser 250 Land Cruiser yeah? It’S a! Let me in the Jeep, that’s a dumb idea. I know I’m going to take it for a cheeky wheel more on that soon we’re going to test this are we we have built the hux.

It’S finished you’ve just watched the build. Now we need to make sure it can get up the hills that I wanted to get up, which is our test track. As you know, Mac doesn’t build cars that can’t do the test track, so we’re here to prove it can do the test track. It’S kind of become a a theme, so we got the rear bar. We got sliders now so we’ve got the protection on front.

Bumper might get a little touch up, but we’ll see hopefully not huge amounts of flex. We’Ve got the longer shocks in the front. We got UCA comes with the rear Locker, so it does it’s factory recked. So I reckon I re is going to be great. It’S just going straight up mate, yeah.

All right, we’ll do a little recap on the screen right now of what happened last time. Couldn’T do the double step because of clearance but managed to Breeze through the other side, pretty easily uh? I might also mention that jeep fully legal on 37in tires. It’S all pre-o. It’S going to be for sale soon, so stay tuned to Super engineering’s socials.

For that one rear, Locker, just brend the rear Locker in oh yep, we’re in we’re good first up is the easiest line. Although there is a rock on the left to contend with, oh, we have got clearance to burn now, oh massive Flex. However, we do expect this to be pretty easy. Now, oh, this is, this is point shoot now, I’m going to run over and we’re barely a wheel. Even lifting the M80 hu has pull that off very easily God.

You feel, like you, just have so much more protection with Slaughters and stuff all righty. Here we go probably going to call this the medium level track. It does catch a few people out due to Double Rock step generally. The vehicle either requires a lot of flex or lockers to get through this little section, and that there is a perfect drive from Maca, and we all know what that means. Next up the hardest line, which is going to test that approach angle to its absolute limit, that’s only 2 in and like 33s, just over 33 make it yeah.
BEST Mods for N80 Hilux (Start to finish build & Offroad TEST!) 
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comI’M thinking going to go up here and then I’m just going to let my Flex do the talking. The ultimate Flex is to let your Flex do the flexing, okie dokie sep UPS on this is the big Nile dog Hill go up, is it bar or underneath it’s a front bar go left? Is that going to go climb carefully? Picking a line here, we were able to direct the vehicle up without any damage to that front bar, however, only just good, I think, you’re good. You want to keep turning right, yeah.

Now generally, we only tackle this particular line in Twin, lock Vehicles. So this is a bit of an ask for something: that’s only rear, locked, however, we’re hoping with the extra Flex available in the rear that it’s going to be able to pull this off y, oh de, go! It’S just going to feel, maybe a bit of left hand down ride. That thing. Should I go to the right, yeah, good yeah.

It feels all right d, this bit ner than it used to be cuz you’re, not twin, lock, sir. Ah, so that’s the difference, guys between rear locker and twin lock, yeah kind of get you caught up. Spins you a little bit, but it did pretty good like it still felt. Fine, like oh man, I just Hues just feel so stable, even when they’re tipping like it looks scary in person from outside. Oh, no, that that felt fine like if I was in my Cruis on angle, I’d be like we’re going we’re going to go over again but highes.

They just stay planted like they’re good and just like that, it’s official the n80 has passed the shedlife test, driving every line, unassisted time to run down the back just for a quick check of the co rates and shocks. As you can see, it’s still quite a light setup, so we’ve got a pretty light set of coils in it at the moment.. Okay. So this is actually the back side of like the little test track.

We we use and uh it’s got well pretty red out now it’s um all right, let’s see if we can get these coils for Lexing on the way up this little little one B hole section try to go on this little little step. If you became the proud new owner of this hux, let us know what would be the very first mod you would do trying to get like the back flexing as much as I can feels like it’s working cuz the car stand real flat. That’S the best part about Flex is the car car stays flat and your suspension does work like if your suspension’s not working your car’s just going to tip everywhere, all right, we’re happy. We we are buddy, got up the hill mate. We’Ve done it.

We’Ve first hit up the test track, need a little spot at the top it did get. I did pick the wrong line. It’S definitely better than no Locker yeah it I mean it still got up. It’S still good, A little extra just in that middle bit. That bump thought I had to give her a bit of a run up, but that’s all right, but all in all it’s passed the shed life test.

It’S done every single Hill here it has, and it’s actually it’s off to Dave now so underbelly Resto is going to get a full restoration underneath dry ice blast seal the seal, yep awesome cuz we’ve got it on both our Land Cruisers and it’s pretty amazing. So we’re going to get this thing looking brand new again, there is a cash option. Don’T for forget, you can win this bad boy. All you got to do is be a shedlife club member. Now you can opt out at the click of a button in your login area.

There is full entry counters in the corner. Oh, so you can see how many entries you got yeah 100 %. It’S everything is very, very open, very easy to see very easy to use. Go into the partners portal use all your discounts, save yourself a heap of money boy, it’s boy, math, you are making money and you could win a coiled hux so anyway, time to get going, I’m pretty sure, but jeep has to go zigzag through all these tracks. So, to get home, the only way out is through this sorry Superior uh.
BEST Mods for N80 Hilux (Start to finish build & Offroad TEST!) 
https://thedpfdeleteshops.comAlso I’ll, let you wash it. I don’t know to work this thing, not my car. I don’t really like uh Wheeling other people’s cars, but you know SP asked for some cool shots, so I’m going to do it. I’Ve disconnected the sway bar I’ve, locked the rear diff so far, and I’m in Offroad plus mode. I’M in low gear windows are here which is really weird cuz I kept going here.

Uh the dash is red, the car is blue, I don’t know it’s a Jeep thing and uh I’ve got a feeling. This is about to amaze me this car, and it’s probably going to make me real sad all right. I believe we are twin locked. This thing is just absolute animal. We’Re just crawling up.

No we’re not it’s so long. The Gladiators are quite a long wheelbase and, as you may know, different vehicles for different obstacles and, in this case that ramp over is not helping with this rock step. However, with a bit of persuasion, Maka manages to crawl over no dramas. Now the old jpes cop a little bit of flack in Australia. So if you’re unaware that Rubicon badge presents a vehicle that comes from the factory with twin lockers God, twin lock just makes the biggest difference.

Coil suspension electronic SAR disconnect – and this is the kicker reduction gears it’s hard to argue with the capability of these vehicles straight off the production line and with the added long travel suspension from Superior. This thing is an absolute animal. However, nonetheless, we’d like to get your opinion, what do you guys reckon of Jeeps? Let us know in the comments anyway, that’s enough fluffing around for yank tank, let’s get the hux over to Dave’s and get it back to brand new, all first things. First, when it com to you, Dave, got to have a uh bit of a coffee and a chinwag boys are just discussing.

They pulled some of the bash plates off, get to some hard to reach places. Now, if you do have heavy bash plates, it’s recommended you take them off at home. Uh the boys aren’t accessory Fitters and some of those some of the bash plates can be pretty intricate. Yeah yeah, the ones that fall on his head uh, the ones he hates. Could be even cheaper if it’s brand new car, it’s a lot cheaper, so we will get to work and make it new for the new owner.

This is the last mod we have on the hux we’re going to show you guys some before and afters the ice. Blasting, as you guys know, is amazing, Dave’s located Sunshine Coast, so uh get in touch with with him and um. Yes, free Lan car available too, if, if you’re from out of town so yeah, if you’re down brisen way need a need, a car Dave’s got your coverboard halfway through Blast has been done. Applied the X zinc black to all the areas it needs to go to before we apply the X clear, which is the final step, so it definitely deserves the treatment we’re giving it so I’ll give you a little look around. We touched up the silver on the gearbox.

We try and give it a nice factory. Look all the superior stuff. There looks amazing final step now for the highight uh the X clear is the last step finished product now about to show you uh looks pretty cool. I’Ve got it back to pretty much a brand new spec uh. My mate Adam here say: hi Adam he’s wearing a new shed life shirt.

Hey guys. Adam has been working here for a few months now and getting the hang of it ready to hit the road and the tracks make sure that you look after this thing. Cuz I’ve, given it the treatment so that you can


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