We are coming down to the final hour for your chance to take come the keys to this truck. This is Iceberg. My 2022 Ford, F450 Platinum sitting on a 0 to 13in full hydraulic. Any L, lift kit powder, coed blue with Polish overlays, 30X, 16 jtx 4. Duly Wheels wrapped in 42 and fury tires, got a one-of aind, tonson gray, color, ppf, wrap with color match headlights and tail lights and a big ass cow hood inside.
It’S got a fully loaded, Platinum, leather, interior, with massage seats, 30 piece, Rock light kit, horn, blaster chain horns and so much more. When you win this truck, not only do you get the title in the keys, you also get $ 20,000 in cash and do whatever you want with all you have to do to get entered, is head over to shop. Gf.Com grab you a hat, a t-shirt, a hoodie anything on the site, cuz you automatically enter and take it all home and for the final hours of this giveaway we’re doing a Max entry multiplier. That means every $ 1 spend at shop.
Gp.Com gets you 30 entries to taking the keys to the truck and the cash meaning. Your best odds to take on the keys to this truck is right now, so don’t procrastinate any longer head over to the site. Grab you any of your awesome products, and you could be our 18th giveaway winner that comes down, hangs out with me for the day, takes deliver your new truck good luck, everybody and enjoy the rest of the video bro. What are these things?
I don’t know what they are, but I need one they’re sick. I wonder if you can mudding the one. Where are we? I don’t know, I really don’t know. Did you book The Right plane ticket?
You said we’re going to Washington now we’re in Virginia. Did I fly to the wrong place? I don’t know where we are ever ground transportation. You think they have one of those uh little shuttle bus things again. I don’t know, I think you need to buy one.
I don’t even know who to contact to get one the airport they have to have broken ones. I could just put like, like a p pump, 24 valet into they’re $ 223,000. The the shut buses are 23 yeah. I want one uh, never mind, they’re way more than that, the one you want this little one’s 28,000. How much are the big ones?
Excuse me, you know where we can buy the shuttle buses like the big things that are out there. Okay, I think they think we were joking. She said what, where are we? What doing I kind of just booked the plane tiet? I didn’t really look.
I think we have to get an over we’re buying a truck today. What kind of truck you asked? I know yeah and then we’re going to take the truck and we’re going to go to the Statue of letter, be it’s. The statue of letter be yeah, I’m about to, my pants, then we’re going to go, see the White House and I’m going to ask Trump um. If he wants to go to shop, gp.
om enter to win at any level. The White House is not here, the White House is here is the White House here not right here, yeah told you so yesterday I was looking at my driveway and I was like you know, there’s just not enough black Vehicles, so I went to Marketplace and I Actually found a pretty cool truck everybody and their mother has been telling me to buy another L5 P. Everybody’S favorite truck in my collection right now is Big, Show uh. It has a blown transmission. Why would we fix the blown transmission instead of just buying another truck?
So I went to Marketplace found a truck. Now we flew to Virginia or Washington or one of the two. I don’t really know where we’re at. I ordered an Uber we’re going to hi we’re going to get an Uber to dude’s house and go check out his truck. He has a slingshot too and uh we FaceTime for a little bit.
His dad seemed pretty cool, so we’re going to have a good day and then we’re going to go to the Statue of litter be and then we’re going to the White House and then we’re going to that big thing that in force Gump, they walk through the Lake and she was like yeah that one yeah I’m going to go swimming in that Lake today, oh there, it that’s where you go. I miss traveling like this cuz, you never know. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get and usually we get lost every every time. Is there Uber that truck over there?
I wish it’s not though they should make Uber truck like uber black, but it’s just it’s just a big truck and it’s just a big redneck dude named Greg every time. All right, buddy we’re going to listen to Trump radio Zone 3 1 minute away. He’S fing! Zooming holy, we got a black Ford Expedition, Cav Cava yeah. He is I’m excited for this hourong drive with this poor man.
It’S an hour. 45 minutes he’s going to listen to your voice, one time and he’s going to get us there. In 30 minutes – oh, my God, a Tesla truck, I mean a refrigerator, I mean a Tesla truck, I mean a trash. Can I mean a Tesla truck? I think I see you, I’m so excited it’s Christmas.
We’Re going to go, buy a truck. I mean my dad’s going to buy. I mean I mean I bought Ella Ella. How do you pronounce your name? Handsome devil, hell yeah?
Where are we? Are we in like Virginia or Washington, you’re in V, Virginia and you’re going? I don’t think away from the we’re? How how far away uh 45 miles away from DC? Okay so like an hourish no from here 45 mil out?
Okay, and then you add another 35 mil to it so you’re looking at ride around 80 mil your way from DC! Oh biggie, nice! Well, we’re we’re! Here to buy a truck, so the truck’s really fast so we’ll be able to get to DC like quickly. Where did you come from uh Chicago?
It’S like DC, but shittier be careful. Whenever you go through Atlanta, we were just there yeah. If you have cash in your pocket, they don’t get. They just take your money and you have the 90 % of the time. You’Re not going to get your money back, not all of it’s drug money.
Just most of it. I had my friend he, it said it’s just the mob: oh yeah, the Atlanta mobs yeah. No, I know I know Steve like he’s the owner of the mob, so he’s he’s pretty cool with me. Chago is the same way: uh Al good, old, good old Al from Chicago he’s, the owner of that mob. So you have to drive all the way back from Virginia to Chicago yeah.
Tonight, uh. Maybe I don’t I’m I’m unemployed. So is there anything like cool to do around here rid in the airport, that’s woods and is something to say: yeah, okay, we might there, it is really Nifty. Would you go to like the statue of letter be no this, the lady holding the torch, the big statue yeah, the big statue letter be oh yeah. What about it?
Isn’T that here it’s not here! Oh it’s in New York, man. Oh we’re we’re a little off! You went to public school, didn’t you? No!
I didn’t graduate. You really thought it was here. I don’t know seems like something like you know, patriotic. No, that’s in New York, Harbor a uh. Well, we got the White House, we got the big, the big building with the the lake in front of it.
That’S here what? What’S that big building with the lake in front of it Monument yeah yeah, is that cool? I lived here about 45 years. Damn nice place, they got a pond. Just like me, there’s geese, there’s, definitely geese and horses.
Oh that’s a llama, that’s a llama! I hope we’re at the right place. It’S definitely the one to the left yeah. I think yeah fact that one is this: one of them States like they shoot. First ask questions later: yeah mhm: this is Virginia yeah.
I don’t want to do that. No yeah the truck’s right up there yeah! That’S a nice house. That’S a nice truck! Oh this!
One yeah: that’s what one I’m buying you buying this one. Oh my God yeah. What do you think in trouble on the road 100 % get in trouble on the road so excited? Thank you. Always!
That’S! A nice toy always tip your Uber drivers, thanks yep yep. What’S up buddy how’s meet you Gabe nice to meet you, oh, the whole family’s out nice. What’S up for having a party Bud really yeah damn I came just inside Gabe nice to meet you that thing’s sick, oh my God, it was so cool. Even the Uber driver was freaking out about it.
Oh my God, it’s a lot bigger in person. Oh that’s what I’m saying I dig it. You guys got a beautiful place here by the way that’s sick, it’s hard to like get back here, but other than that. Yeah we pulled over to that guy’s house and I was like is this one of them states where they shoot first and ask questions later bad Lis, exactly what somebody told can I keep the plate? I have a list if you, if you couldn’t tell this thing’s sick, I love the color and it looks very, very clean, so there’s no issues it doesn’t have like no crazy oil leaks or nothing or it’s not going to blow up on the way home.
No, I promise yeah, we take to Florida Florida right. Actually, it’s sounds like we might be going on a little road trip, so damn shees yeah, that’s clean Star right there. If you want to turn it on, we got Rolls-Royce in this bit. Oh my hell! Yeah!
It’S not a bunch, but it’s like 7. I think 750. 750. That’S not bad dud! This is awesome.
I’M excited oh yeah. It’S super clean Jesus, badass out you’re, going to love right here, bad man. I know you messing with that. Dude literally I invented that sticker. You know that right.
I did that when I was like 16 yeah bades on on one side or one truck, and then the other one was like fat. Just can’t jump I’ll. Let you pop it show the goodies. It’S stock right bone stock, oh yeah, bone stock, yeah, nothing, nothing cool underneath there for sure stock turbo. Oh, that color is awesome too killed it.
I love it. So did you do all the work you bought it mostly like this uh. It had a single and you put the that’s what you were saying and then you put the compound. That’S why the gauge in there don’t work, that’s sick, but you just got to hook it up. Love it love it.
You did all you did all the fun stuff like staying up all night doing stuff and then I get to have yeah you get to have the fun with it the little tweaks and then do all the burnout all right test drive time all right. Let’S go my bad sure you I see that do well. Have you ever had uh the tunes are in the cruise control? Oh really yeah! Oh mine was definitely not like that you, so you press the cancel button and then you press, plus five times or BL out every times.
You push it and that’s in what tune you’re in really yeah, that’s kind of baller and it’s better than the little twist. Now how how far do I got to turn or mostly, oh, you got a decent amount, maybe like a little less than half it’s almost full crank when you take off the spacers no way yeah we’re not doing that. That’S what I said put more spacers on it. When I put the spacers on my dad’s like dude, what the hell are you doing? You can’t even I said, but it’s bad ass there we go we’re not worried about turning, that’s exactly what I’m saying.
We just got to go straight inconvenience badass. I like the gauges, those are sick, those the l5p. It’S got, I’m going to say twin turbos cuz. It pisses everybody off whenever I call them twin turbos, but it has twin turbos uh, it’s fast as hell. It probably sounds amazing: it’s actually super quiet cuz, it’s got a second turbo, so no one will ever know it’s a sleeper.
You actually would never know this. Thing’S fast like it looks pretty from the outside. I blew the doors off of a 500 or 450 horsepower. Super it was a nice 50 roll to 50 to 100 dude. This thing blew we going have to put it against the Huracan before we get rid of it yeah.
I don’t do much dogging dude, but, like this thing, hardly does burn out. The tread on them are brand new. This week’s probably been the most I’ve driven it just because I’m getting rid of it yeah I run it for a week. That’S it we’re about to sell like two of my like main trucks that have been on the channel for like ever kind of depressing, but I was hoping you were actually going to bring one of your dieses and haul this thing out of here, I’m actually looking At a stock l5p, okay with like forces up in Chicago right now, oh well, if you go through Chicago just stop on my house on the way backck with the new truck that’d be sick, I’m not going to beat on it or anything. Obviously I am too far away from home to be breaking stuff stock.
Tun it’ll dump a decent amount, but the second tur all been up. Why is that so nice? It’S! So it’s like it’s the best road trip vehicle. It’S bad ass!
It’S fast and it’s quiet. Dude, that is so smooth mhm ties are louder than the truck honestly. All it is is Turbo noise. You would never know. I had a cat, ey dude.
It was the worst thing to take care of, I’m so glad I got rid of it. You can get on it dude what it’s so smooth. It’S like obnoxious like a Cadillac. It didn’t even blow that much Smoke N it don’t it’s the tune is so perfect. It will just eat it all up, that’s crazy!
But if you cancel out, if you press that button and press minus all the way five times you’re in two zero, now you can get on it. It done decent, smooth, nothing, crazy, isin’t that weird yeah tune. Five dumb noow smoke tune zero, dumb smoke. That’S how good the tunes are. That’S crazy, red, GMC l5p.
We called it a chili that had a big single, oh yeah. I remember that truck. It was the most dirtiest running truck ever it was so much fun. It did nasty, burnouts and, and it was loud as hell, but it was like you towed a trailer with it for anything more than like an hour. The whole bedside was black.
Might not make this one. That’S! Okay! I’M a train, professional dude. I would get in so much trouble on this road.
If I lived here, it’s so bad, oh dude! This is police highway right here they sit at the fire hall. They sit in that Medium. That Medium I’d go slip. Him 100 be like yo, I’m going to do like a pull real, quick, just close your eyes hate me sick.
I love it. I’M impressed I wasn’t lying to you, man, I’d, show you straight up what it what it was. I appreciate that I, like I, don’t understand why people do that. They don’t give you upfront issues and then you get all the way there and then you see them anyway, like so upfront with everybody that buys everything. What’S the point in wasting everybody’s time?
No, it makes no sense. I value my time more than anything else really, so I wouldn’t want to drive down here or fly down here yeah. I could I’ve done it multiple times where I flew like across the country to go, buy something and then it’s just a rag. We were worried, cuz the Facebook said like Jim John. No, so what happened was dude.
I had my original one and for some reason my Marketplace got banned down. My original you made another one, real, quick, okay. I was looking through the ad and I was like okay, this Facebook, like was just created so either. This is a really good scam, or this guy, like just made it random faceb. So I found your Tik Tok and I was like.
Are you actually selling this truck, or is this somebody else black truck black wheels and like I was looking at pictures on it? Cuz, I I was just where we just drive from Atlanta mhm just drove home from Atlanta, so I was staring at pictures of it, the entire time we’re driving home and I’m like man. This thing would be nasty on polished wheels and I went back and forth with my team for literally hours about playing this on polished wheels. So I guess we’re going to keep it on black wheels unless you guys can do me a favor and just comment down below to put it on polished Wheels. If, like 400 people comment, were these Liberties yeah, I mean they look cool, they fit the truck.
The Flo is really nice. Oh they spin. Okay, that helps all right. Well, you sold me. You can have your money uh.
I want to see that thing that thing’s tips D – I can drive you in that thing – he’s going to drive me in it. Oh yeah or you can drive it, I’m strictly not allowed to drive other people’s stuff. That is not mine, cuz. I, unless you want to buy it, you can drive it yeah. I would have to buy it because I would break it.
Can we even explain what this is? It’S a slingshot, but it’s not a sling. It’S more like a catapult. It’S not a sling track. Hammer.
Now it had three, it only comes with three wheels: yes correct, so we had it built to where it has a regular rear. End. Now, out of a Camaro yeah like a Camaro rear end: okay, dry shaft, so it don’t it’s not belt, driven like the normal ones, yep it’s on air rod, cuz. Why not? What that is the sickest thing ever?
Did you? Did you just get bored one day or like you know how boys and Thor are yeah? This is the most boyish thing. I’Ve ever seen got carbon fiber everywhere too. What bro the exhaust is so sick.
That’S all supercharged and all that blow up. Now yeah, I’m going for a ride. Oh detachable steering wheel, hell, yeah, cuz, race, car yeah. Just don’t kill me! I will try not to I got a little bit going for myself right now.
You got good insurance, uh, terrible bro. Why do I need this? I got a trailer. You got a trailer. I got a trailer.
I got this, you can haul it all package deal. My financial adviser would hate you. That sounds like nothing. I’Ve ever heard before think. There’S very many of them, no, are those yours, alpacas yeah.
I would steal one of those for sure hospit. Actually we’re actually kind of scared right now: scared, Oh, it sounds disgusting. That is awesome. It’S like a big go yeah.
It is a big go got speakers in it too yeah everything’s right here. This is that is super cool lights around it’s so clean have 1,000 miles on all the motor, no uh, the rear end just got put in. I bet you the rear. End don’t have 300 mil. I just had all that done, so you did the supercharger and then you did the rear run.
Obviously yeah that was done first. I could not imagine that on three wheels yeah making that much horse power yeah it just SP L yeah. I bet in two this one and a normal one. This is totally different than a normal one. I think yours is probably the nastiest one.
I’Ve ever SE say, though, for sure I on it somewhere yeah, unless you want it I’ll call my dad. I’M stealing that thing before I go home, I’m going to throw it in the bed. Do it, I dare you I’ll, open the gate B? Hey, I’m!
I’M sorry! I think your dad’s cooler than you just a little Music ] bit. Well, thanks for the ride, all right, you need to lower down to get out uh yeah if you yeah yeah. Oh, thank you perfect much better, better on the knees yeah! That’S that’s crazy!
With this I honestly might have to do you think we could drive all the way home 13 hours with no roof. Hel it’s going to be cold. I think we got it. We got it we’ll just go, get those little hand warmers from the gas station bro bad ass. This is your Dad where’d!
You find this guy. That’S how I learned you never did dirt track racing. No, I never did dirt track racing. Oh my god dude! This is, this is fun.
So when do I come back like uh, it starts in March, cool, I’m unemployed, it’s fine I’ll, be back. Let me run a truck on the track. I bet you they would. I would build a diesel one of those you do. Diesel Drags on the truck.
No, I would literally cry that’d, be dope I’ll build a truck just for that. Actually, I have a truck just for that in the works right now, sheesh, it’s like a reverse Oreo white truck white truck black truck like an opposite Oreo. Reverse Oreo yeah. What do you think? Look nice?
You like it! I like it. That’S surprising! Cuz! You don’t even like Chevies like I don’t like f, but that look kind of hey.
Can you drive away? I can’t hear myself thing. Can you drive away? I can’t hear myself thing hold on. I have to make my pisal.
I we’re never seeing that truck again here. I got a whole bunch of fancy stuff, so we got remote for stars on the inside dude. It had a shooting star. I caught it, you missed it, it was gone now, but there was a shooting star. I saw it earlier and she called me crazy cuz.
It wouldn’t come up again. It’S like brand new. It’S all black smells. Oh there, it is wow, pretty sick, very comfy. I mean I drove literally 11 hours home and it was super comfortable and we got remote for those lights.
Number three is the wheel. Ls too looks nice. It’S like a spaceship yeah, I’m not sure about the black wheels, but you don’t know what they’re growing on me. So when I bought this truck, my marketing team was like all right. Gabe you needed black truck with black wheels cuz they kind of like you know they give me a budget and they give me uh parameters for what I have to buy or what I should be buying, and I was like this truck would look disgusting on polished, Wheels but they’re kind of grown on me lowkey I like them.
Everything else is black, so kind of makes sense, plus one out of one out of every 40 truck having black wheels. Isn’T isn’t such a bad ratio, it’s a good Rao, I guess, and they spin. I didn’t know they even floated, so that means it’s cool, but this isin’t, even the cool part, hold on a lot ofly yeah. So it’s got s480 compound setup, tons of powder coated stuff or no the brake reservoir. That’S a cool tank and all the intercooler parking wh Fab is way better than uh.
My last Chevy well, actually, no, the last Chevy is technically Big Show, but the only other Chevy I had besides Big Show is remember that shorty I had a long time ago. Yeah, the white one I didn’t like that kind of ruined Chevys for me a little bit, but this is nasty I like it. You would never know from like it idling and everything. You’D never know it’s a fast truck and it drove that. Well, even with compound dude, I literally did like pools, do definitely not 130 mph.
It gets 30 MP gallon. I filled up one time from here all the way back holy smes. It’S insane and it drives like a stock truck. She drove it really for like 2 hours here. Tell me tell me it sounds like 1,000 horsepower truck.
Oh, you would never know it’s such a sleeper. The tune is good, it don’t doesn’t roll cold like this is oh one. The tune is selected through these. So you literally touch and then you go up and then it’ll blink on the dash. So how many times it blinks that’s what Tunes is in?
Oh, that’s, pretty cool! Is that crazy? It’S like a Lambo, that’s pretty cool! That’S literally how you select Tunes in lamborghin. You wouldn’t even see nothing on here, no doesn’t even get hot when you drive not even close to hot, really it was at 122.
The entire way here is up there too uh boost gauge EGT gauge, so you don’t blow it up. Sound systems. Perfect stars are so. This is like the perfect truck yeah. Really really nice shooting star was cool, though I like the shooting stars.
You need that you would never goess. No, I go for a ride. I guess I guess the compounds work it. It does work holy cow, that’s pretty fast. It’S it’s quick, but then, when you D drive it like normally, definitely definitely uh.
Gab G approved yeah. I love it. This is crazy. It’S so confus it literally okay, when you’re, not in it and you’re. Scre down the highway stock truck you get on it, the thing you get on it.
It turns into completely different. That’S like as Rowdy as cowboy and a truck that you can daily drive. It’S can’t believe it get. You fill up one. I filled it one time.
I think it shows it on the desk yeah 400 mil for 3/4 of a tank. Really, yes, that’s good in 1,000 hor fire truck. What do you think I like it? You like it? I do.
You just said you like a Chevy yeah, but I cuz. It pulls it just keeps going and going and going super unbiased opinion cuz. He really does not like Chevy truck, don’t likey. So if he likes a Chevy truck Chevy people are going to love this thing. Okay – let’s see I don’t like the Chevy truck, but I like what’s done to the Chevy truck okay, okay, we Al could grow on me.
I don’t know you also didn’t say you like Dodges and you own a second gen yeah. I know so that one truck sold that mother, which one the one I wanted in the Coe yeah. Ah today did you see the one I saw last night at the gas station. No, it was a 1950s at the gas station. It was a a cabover ramp truck.
He had an old Bronco on the back, I posted on Instagram, okay, it was nasty we T. I talked for him like for like 20 minutes about you yeah, I was like my grandpa loves these trucks. He he found one in Arizona he’s trying to me to go, get be pretty cool watching the shooting star you’re, watching the shooting star. I can’t put them in your truck you’re going to get into an accident. No, I know