Hey, what’s up y’all welcome back to thedpfdeleteshops.com, putting on the old powerstroke hat, because today i mean business all right. What we’re doing today is actually getting after uh my egr delete, i’m removing the whole entire system. I got my kit right here. It’S been sitting in my garage for about, i want to say at least a month, maybe even two months, it’s looking nice, it does has the coulomb bypass. So that’s going to go on top of that cylinder head uh.
It’S going to look sweet anyways! A lot of benefits to it uh, but i’m right now, i’m at the point where i have some time. I have the next three days by the way hope you all had a happy thanksgiving, spend some quality time with your family and some great food found something to be thankful about. I know i am. We have a newborn she’s about five weeks old.
So, like that’s. That’S been amazing, uh for all those girl dads out there, um yeah, welcome me to the club, but yes, five weeks old, uh, but yeah, let’s go ahead and go get a before video and uh, then we’re gon na get straight to it. So if anything, this is integral to the before video. This is like step zero right here, anyways, let’s get a good look at that intake box. That’S gon na come off.
Um i’m gon na have to do something. With this. That’S going away. I’Ve kind of been um hesitant to actually start the job, but today i found some. I found some motivation and i’m just gon na go for it.
Whatever happens happens about the at the end of the day. It really isn’t too hard of a process. It’S just gon na be a little finicky trying to get those sockets on those bolts just like any other job. It’S what we signed up for for the power strokes, yeah it’s going to be easier on the rams and the cummins, but it’s definitely doable. So i’m just going to get straight into it, not wasting time and uh yeah follow along all right guys.
So a series of significant events already happened all right. So, within the last 10 minutes sprayed pb blaster uh remove the intake, and that was just the two uh couplers removed the negative side, batteries or disconnected the terminals, and then what i did actually very very first was spray that pb blaster again actually step zero. I took the truck around, got it up to operating temp, i kind of beat it up a little bit and came straight back left the truck on. So what i’m going to show you and hopefully you’ll be able to see is the bolt down there. So that was already removed.
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This one was the easy easier one. What i’m working on right now is removing bolt number two all right, so this one was a little difficult to loosen. I kind of felt like i was going to break it, but i gave it a little more ass and now what you see here is a bolt that is completely loose and a waiting extraction. All right, i think you can probably not see that maybe right there – maybe not, but this one is loosey-goosey. Both of them are out all right.
Let me go ahead and take off these bolts and i’m going to show you my setup all right guys. So i got the dreaded egr pipe that usually these two bolts give a lot of people some issues all right, so i’m gon na i’m gon na. Let you know what i did and give you some context to at least help you out as much as i can so. My truck is a 2019 uh, so it’s about fast forward two years and some change uh. So not too long.
Now it may be a little difficult if you, you know, if you’re, if you’re doing this right now and your trucks of 2011 boats have been on there dealing with heat exchanges, heat fluctuations for a decade, so this may be a little more difficult. My truck’s only two and some change old, so this is why it probably was so easy all right, so first things, first pb blaster. I sprayed this for the last two weekends on all the bolts for the egr pipes, all right so two weekends ago sprayed it and then last week and sprayed it and then this morning sprayed it again warmed up the truck and it was good to go operating. Temp pulled it up on my front driveway and went straight after these two bolts. This was step number one for me.
That’S just me! So don’t forget these gaskets. Here’S one here is the other gon na be using them again. I think so. Just tidying them up clean them up these two bolts, eight millimeter, these were very simple.
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I used a quarter inch drive ratchet an extension and just a millimeter socket. Those are very easy to get to very easy to come out. Let’S see not too crazy, build up. Yeah, these won’t have the build up that everyone talks about. So all right.
This was another eight millimeter bolt you take that out too. Let’S rotate this around, this was bolt number one. This was a little centered uh closer to the center of the truck. So this one was not bad eight millimeter this one was easy, a little hard to initially loosen up, but the bolts come on come on. I’M gon na focus as much bolt looks pretty good all right.
This one was definitely hard to loosen initially, but this came out really well after that. No fight as i was loosening up the bolts. So that’s that’s my experience, guys! Pb blaster don’t expect this to be as easy as as what it happened to me, but i hope so so these two eight millimeter bolts are out. Let me go ahead and show you how it looks all right so right there.
Those were the two bolts bracket was right here, all right and then the two bolts down south. I covered it up with a rag. I hope y’all can see this it’s hard for me to see so i’m gon na hard time focusing all right. So that is looking about as good as it’s gon na get all right. So there we are focused in those two bolts, i’m going to cover it with a shop towel uh but yeah pb, blaster, pb, blaster, pb blaster.
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It’S what i’m going to say came straight out for me, but then again my truck’s only about two years old getting after the cgr all right guys. I did post a photo on youtube and instagram if you’re, not a follower on my instagram i’ll, go ahead and put the link or my my name down below. Please follow. I have like 300 followers, but like 12 000 subscribers, so please go check that out. I put a before photo and i’m also going to post an after photo.
I asked that y’all. Please help me out kinda if you’re, not a subscriber, please subscribe, uh and then instagram follow my page. I put some good stuff on there, but let me go ahead and continue this process. Whoops almost forgot all right. So for these two back bolts, let me try and place it the way it was on the truck all right.
So here was facing down all right guys for this back bolt all right again, i have my 12 to 15 inch extension um, eight millimeter, socket down below you, had adequate amount of space to go directly down and rest that socket. On top of that bolt, i highly advise you do that for this one, it’s going to be a little more difficult to place it right. On top, you may have to use a u-joint, which is exactly what i did, but that was the process or my tools used to take out these those two bolts, all right guys so next step. I want to do this one next. I went ahead and disconnected this wire there’s right, underneath some tape pipe all right.
So it’s connected right down here, just disconnect it one’s gon na fling around all right. So what i want to do next, because the motor is still hot. I want to go ahead and remove this pipe, so we have an eight millimeter right there, eight millimeter right here and i’m just using a six inch extension off of a quarter, drive ratchet eight millimeter socket i’m going to go ahead and go ahead and get these Four out, i also pb blaster d, so don’t be afraid to use that lubricant in order to help you out with this entire process. But since it’s already hot, i want to get after these bolts asap all right guys, making some strides here about no more than 30 minutes into the into this project. Just four, eight millimeter bolts, nothing crazy, these weren’t difficult at all so yeah.
Let’S move on to the next step, so what we got to do, unplug your egr. I’Ve done this a while back already there’s going to be one connector, just remove these set them off to the side. I got my shipping plug kit on. I did remove this vacuum line right here. You will hear it came from right there all right next remove this t t line all right, so this was actually connected to this uh.
So what we’re doing is actually bypassing we’re using a brass connector to pair this line with this one, so this one’s actually getting bypassed. Um! Beware: since i didn’t drain any coolant, you’re gon na have some! So if you did have a cup like right here to drain in all the fluid – and it’s not going to be much but just something so that it doesn’t run down your serpentine belt, also, remember: don’t let anything go through your intake manifold keep protecting that. I will get some couplers for these two lines: uh but yeah all right.
So i’m gon na go ahead and remove these two bolts already dead. But as you can see, there’s one right here right there and then the other one is right. There eight millimeter bolts go ahead and remove those, because that is that will get in the way so go ahead and remove that make sure your vacuum line is out of the way all right. So after you remove those clips um, i went ahead. Pulled this off right, just kind of separating things from the egr, getting it ready to pull it out.
Uh this thing right here i remove this small little snippet um, let’s see everything, looks pretty good, looks like i can pull it out. Um vacuum line out of the way this i’m just preparing everything to remove the six bolts that secure the egr bolt on top of the head um. So i’m probably gon na have to move this. Let me see yep so probably move this out see if i can get this anyways something with this great connector anyways. I’M gon na move this out of the way so that i can have.
I guess the freedom to remove the egr after these six bolts are taken off so now. Let me go ahead and figure this out real, quick all right, so i moved this hose out of the way, there’s like a locking washer on there uh. What i did was just use one of these picks uh kind of push it closer to this hose and then push it up while pulling up and just move that out of the way move everything out of the way. So now it’s going to be getting the six bolts to get this egr cooler out. What you want to make sure and do is have adequate buckets just to catch all the coolant unless you drained all your coolant before, let’s go ahead and move into those bolts, all right, so there’s going to be some that are 10 millimeter, some that are eight All right so here i think this is one right there.
So one right there, that’s what it looks like one right here underneath this wire. This is eight millimeter uh, let’s see there’s another one right. There down looks to be a 10 and there’s one back in there. I think you can see it there. It is awfully there’s one all right.
Second, one is going to be right behind this hose there. It is and then there’s one right there – 10 millimeter, that one. So let’s go ahead and work on that you’re gon na have to use an assortment of extensions u-joints all right, so we got the egr out a little leaky yeah. I know it’s all good. All right so here it is out out and about looking pretty good intake.
Looking pretty clean, kept that rag right there, a little bit of cooling came out. All right opens it up quite a bit. So let me show you i’ll, show you what other videos don’t um, specifically where these bolts uh, where you need to look for it all right, so what you’re going to have – and this is uh. This is facing the front all right and this is facing towards the rear of the truck, so we’re gon na come up on one. This is a eight millimeter.
It’S a long bolt! Don’T forget it’s brother right here in the center another one. It’S another long bolt. Eight millimeter you’re gon na have a third right here. Okay, this is another long bolt with a washer eight millimeter, you’re gon na come up off to the middle.
Now this one’s a shorty. This is an eight millimeter as well go across the other side. This one’s going to be a 12 millimeter, so it was not a 10 that i mentioned earlier. This is a 12.Uh.
You may need a deep socket because that may be sticking out a little too much all right back, left, eight millimeter all right and then the back right all right. So this is another 12 millimeter, but you’re not going to see it like that. There’S going to be another bolt that you’re going to have to remove this is a 10. I believe – and this is securing a wire kind of like a ground wire, so you remove that first and then use the 12 millimeter remove that bolt. So it one two.
Three: four: five: six, seven, seven bolts. I know i mentioned six earlier, but it’s seven now it’s time to tidy up everything, looking pretty good happy with the progress, i’m no more than like an hour and a half into the service. So let’s go ahead and mount up the new hardware to close up this whole egr delete process all right, so we’re going to use this first plate two washers, two bolts, i’m gon na go ahead and mount it up right up here. All right use the same factory, gasket, new bolts and uh that’ll, be it i do wanted to mention so on this side of the egr you’re going to have some carpet matting, it acts as a heat shield. So there’s going to be, i think, a connector right here, connector right there and let me see if i can find the top of one all right.
So here we go they’re gon na look like this there’s one all right and then there’s gon na be a second one. Those two make sure you remove those off first before pulling off this egr. Next, after i put that mounting bolt plate, i’m going to use this one right here, make sure that’s tight use the factory gasket and factory bolts. I probably should put some like stronger um, maybe some stainless steel bolts all right. So quick note for this one, because this is where these two deadly agr bolts are going to be mounted up on factory gasket same bolts, i’m using the same bolts.
I put some anti-seize all right just so we don’t run into the same issues, not too much just enough. This blocking plate right. There came with two allen, bolts, two washers and it had a different gasket. So i don’t need to use the factory one again guys if you need uh every part and material that i’ve used in this video go ahead and hit me up on instagram uh. So you can use the exact same one um but make sure you’re following me.
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First and then i’ll go ahead and get back to you with all right guys, let’s get some, let’s get some action in here all right, so this is sitting just like wait until it mates there. We go gasket’s sitting right on top all right, go ahead and grab this plate, it’s top plate all right, and so i tightened this up. I have a sensor. I can throw in there i’ll go ahead and throw it in later, but you know i’m just. I just want to get this kit thrown on here, so i tighten that up make sure that’s up all right, so this is going in.
Let’S go something like that. All right, one bolt that puppy in there two puppy in there all right there we go and you’re just going to use the allen key, the one that i do not have. While i’m up here i’m going to go back to my workbench, but i did want to work it out here in my driveway instead of spilling some cooling in my drive or my garage honestly, i probably should have done this in my garage, but if anything did Happen at least my truck was already out here all right, so i’m gon na get my allen key bolts. This is already sitting good that i tightened back there that looks nice and now we’re just working on this cuckoo cool cuckoo cool, all right, all right. All right how much we got my knee, we got what we need start with the size.
Five, all right, yep, perfect, all right size, five and work that, in what you want to do, is kind of work this in similar to like what you’re doing for lug nuts. All right, don’t tighten one all the way in get it snug and then work your way around one corner to the other corner and then to the middle. Tighten this side yeah, like i said it kind of sucks to get you some action, video. If i don’t have a good amount for it all right, so i’m going to go ahead. Tighten this up good one turn over there good right there.
It’S pretty tight all right and you got ta. Remember it’s resting on a gasket, so it doesn’t need to be that tight. Let the gasket do the work, but you don’t want to allow it to leak. It’S good right. There, snug snug, two-finger, pull that’s good, all right, one!
More drive-by, [, Music ]! Here we go here, we go [, Music, ], oh yeah, all right! That’S what we needed all right all right! So let me show you what i just did finishing up taking my time all right, so i went ahead and uh zip tied this around here. All right remember that plug we removed zip tied it right there i’ll make sure it’s away from that fan, because it will chop it up right here.
Here’S the vacuum line that we pulled off here are the plugs, just kind of keeping it elevated from the cylinder head, because i do know it gets really hot right around there. Egr will get pretty hot too tighten that down tighten off that block off plate. Tighten that block off plate, um yeah, never remove the pcm sensors. That kind of seemed weird. I did reattach this and make sure this is sat on you’ll be able to tell right there.
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You just got to make sure it clips in. You got to hear it. Uh, you don’t want that flying off once all of that has been done. Honestly, that’s the end of the service um, now you’re, just talking clean up, checking the coolant. If you need to throw in some more coolant, you got to do that.
Um, i’m probably going to whip it up after throwing on the negative terminals back on each of the batteries. Let me go ahead and tidy up some stuff and then turn on the truck and show y’all all right. So hopefully, this wind isn’t impairing the the sound all right. So i put some zip ties on that connection because coolant is about to fly out. If i don’t put the air intake on i’m about to click clip this back in there, we go punch that in almost forgot that all right everything zip tied terminals connected again tightened.
So at that connection, i put some zip ties. I will put some couplers on there, but i kind of wanted to see how it would turn on or if something that i jacked up. Y’All are gon na, be witness. Let’S see how this puppy runs. Oh this [ __ ], won’t.
Let me start it unless! Well, i got ta get back to the truck because the hood’s open – and it won’t start without that so see, [, Music, ], let’s go! Let’S go check this out. Alright anything bleeding out just yet not quite all right, you’re, just gon na have to listen to the truck. I’M not gon na be able to talk over the motor sound, so not feeling any coolant.
Air intake sounds good, nothing, blue! Now, i’ll be honest. I usually do something to [ __ ], [, __, ] up all right all right. So, let’s see what we got going on. I wish i was up in the hood.
Have someone to rev the engine? Yes, the vehicle is on [ Music ]. I don’t hear anything crazy. This is holding up very barely. I do want to get those couplers, but um yeah no check engine light.
I guess i’m gon na have to turn it on twice, because your check engine line won’t turn on unless it detects a fault twice in a row at two starts in a row, so anyways everything’s, looking good [, __, ] yeah i’ll, come out turn it back On again later, i probably won’t drive it unless i have those couplers on those cooling lines, that’d be terrible to get caught on the side of the road, with the truck bleeding out all right guys, so we’re nearing the end of the day um. You probably need a lot about three hours for the service drank a lot of drinks in between then and uh just been dealing with some other stuff, putting up some christmas lights, getting to the christmas spirit, but uh yeah. Here we go. Those are the two pipes. Um yeah, i mean everything that i’ve used right here.
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It’S an assortment of things: sockets ratchets extensions, pb, blaster, some picks, allen, keys, pliers, uh shop, towels, i cleaned up my bra or my terminals, yeah, here’s, the egr cooler. Everything came out just as planned um. I do have some yellow coolant, probably grab another gallon of yellow coolant, uh ford, motorcraft stuff and um yeah. Everything worked out as planned, all right guys. So in a nutshell, the process wasn’t bad at all.
I got lucky on those two egr bolts that i do admit uh. Hopefully you all have the same luck, uh, but it’s one of those things where you need a pb blast, all the pipe bolts for at least two weekends. Before you actually conduct the service. I got to be honest. I was a little hesitant before doing this, but after it’s all been said and done, it was fairly easy.
I can see why people are hesitant on doing this job, but for those who have done it, let me know what you think. Let me know any questions. Comments down below this video is strictly the mechanical how-to to remove or delete your egr again parts in the description below. If i don’t list parts that you may want go ahead and message me on instagram i’ll, go ahead and put my name up here again fairly simple, with minimal tools. Hope i helped y’all out and guys expect another video of like why i did it.
First of all and just a review, so i always like doing a review of what i do on my truck um kind of like i serve as a guinea pig for a lot of people out there. Subscribers appreciate it. Let me know down below um, but yeah i’ll go ahead and do another video on the. Why behind why? I did my egr delete and then two second of all, a review behind the actual egr delete.
Again hope you all enjoyed this video, but until next time see y’all