Look here, look at that. Maybe that’s why I was smoking. Huh, there’d be our problem, folks. This is catastrophic failure. Okay, I’m good!
Let’s go all right, so you had the injectors replaced, yeah, somewhat recently. Oh man! This is kind of a bummer, isn’t it? Yeah, alright. Well, apparently, the engine was rebuilt four years ago.
No, oh, who did it? We don’t know, yeah, the guy. He didn’t tell you, or yeah, oh no. He must love the truck, yeah, sheesh, yeah, it doesn’t. It looks like it’s pretty clean here: oh man, okay!
Well, let’s get the motor out. How long is this going to take you to get out? I’ll have it out of the truck Monday? How many hours? Done quite a few of these? I know you have done.
I’m asking you, we’re going to set a timer, we’re going to set our egg timer, dude. I’m just wondering how long you’re thinking, get the cab up, get the cab, get it all out, have it out on a stand, ready to go over the machine shop, tore down to a long block, ready, go to the machine shop? We got another one to put in it, don’t we? We’re yeah, it’ll be ready Tuesday or Wednesday, so we got one ready to go right back in, but I think I can have it tore down in 8 to 10 hours. Alright.
Did you hear that? Ready, set , go. Okay, hey, we got the motor out. You missed that step. We just were so fast and busy around here; we kind of missed that step, but I want to show you something. So we pulled the motor out, look here, look at that now.
You can tell that that’s been missing for a while. Come to find out, made a phone call. Look in here. Here’s the culprit! That’s what broke, that too. Somebody put this motor in, and I don’t know what they did, but you can tell that that thing is lucky.
It didn’t like go through the bell housing or something like that, but uh, anyway, you never know what you’re going to find when you open up a can of worms. So Dylan is a new tech, Dylan, uh, we’re lucky to have him. He came down from Idaho, and, uh, he’s working out great. I love when I hire great people; I kind of hit him with it the other day. I challenged him.
I said, “How long is it going to take you to get this out here, ready for an engine stand?” I think I pressed you to do it in an eight right. How long did it take you? You were an hour and a half on Friday, and then about five and a half hours a day, so six and a half, seven hours to get to this, “Booyah D.” We found this bolt in the bell housing.

Besides that, I mean, that’s, you know, obviously, that’s a big screw-up from somebody working on the thing before. Have you found how’s the turbo looking? Good, he replaced it two years ago, cool, okay. He also just barely did injectors in it too. Okay, how’s this, how’s the hoses and mounts, motor mounts? Yeah, motor mounts are still good and together. The hoses weren’t in too bad of shape. He’s not wanting to throw tons of money at it, yeah, but I mean we got to make already recommended to do motor mounts. You didn’t want to do them, didn’t want to do them. We got one with a broken bolt in it, though, yeah, so we’re going to fix that. You know, we’re going to do the necessities, so we’re going to just replace that bracket because it just… how’s the cooling system?
Looking, I mean, yeah, it looks good. I recommend a new water pump, new thermostats, um, how’s the radiator? Clean the radiator out. Is the radiator full of crap? Not, it’s not terrible, but it’s not terrible. He did an optic steam clean. The engine, you know what I recommended:cooler lines while we’re here.
Where do you think? Where do you think all the, I mean, is this just engine oil that’s been leaking on that diff is steering, gear has been leaking and it’s just been blowing back? Huh, boy, now’d be the time to do that. Yeah, it’d be right to write it up. Are you going to put that on your write-up? Yep?
I already have, yeah, see folks. This is, this is something now when I say folks, I’m talking about shop owners here, and I’m also talking about customers. Customers, you want your shop to tell you what’s going on when you pull an engine out, here’s that broken bolt. I don’t know why that’s in the motor mount like that. Somebody, the motor, had been out.
That’s why the guy left the bolt in this bell housing. Was it a torque converter? Yeah, it was a torque Inver, oh, this guy, so the guy had the motor out or a trany out, and he lost a torque converter bolt instead of pulling it out and fishing it out of there. He just left it in there. Yo, weak dude, whoever you are, you know who you are, you’re out there, dude. Don’t do that stuff.
You know, man, you could have caused major catastrophic damage on this. Instead of that, one tooth starter only had one bolt in it too, no way, yeah, ah, but anyway, see so like when you see all this and all this oil is coming out of the gearbox and just blowing back here. You know, you want your mechanic. He can you can get a discount on the labor to replace that. Why this is out, it makes it’s easier for the tech, he can get it cleaned up, don’t shoot the messenger.

You know if you, if you got questions about what he’s recommended, ask those, but you know don’t think or assume that uh they’re not giving you good information that I hear a lot about that on people, badmouthing shops and saying you know we wish had a shop like you, Dave. There’s a lot of shops, great shops across this country, there’s a ton of them. When you have a problem, maybe you should just open up lines of communication, a little more, and not jump to the conclusion that it’s the shop. We all could do better about judging our fellow man, so to speak, thanks,. Oh, oh there’d, be our problem, folks, maybe that’s why I was smoking. Huh, dropped the seat, something well, maybe not. I mean that’s bent B, like it, huh.
Well, look at this one too. I mean it could be dropped, a seat broke a guy, but it didn’t drop a seat, the seat’s still in there. It did not drop a seat. Maybe you got a broke, ring, huh, going pop, bo. It’s coming out awfully smooth like the ring’s gone or , something, no, all there.
This thing sucks something in here, bet. I bet if we maybe quiz the customer. A little bit, somebody’s working on this motor and was missing a bolt when they, uh, put it back together. This is the one that you’re building in there. Yes, and he’s.
That’s that’s going to replace this, okay! The customer told me that he had it built 5 years ago. I’m wondering if something’s been rolling around in there and it finally cut loose and went through the engine. We might never know what it is, but we know it wasn’t supposed to be there. We tore the engine out of this and we saw that broken bolt in the bell: housing, not a broken, it would. It was left there and it had been smashed and it cracked the ring gear.
It sees the ring. That’s another thing: a lot of times, you know guys, when you, when you break a timing belt, you you’ll say the valve will hit the head. You’ll pull the head off and you’ll replace the valve, but this is also what happens. Is the the force of the hammer hitting that will will smash the ringland and the ring won’t float, so don’t always suspect that just cuz you got it.
This is really bad, but I have seen Pistons that just barely a valve will hit here on a gas engine, and your ring land area is so close to the top that it’ll pinch the ring a lot of times working in shops a lot of times. The customer, they won’t give you disclosure, they think that’s in their best interest, not to tell you everything like where it’s been, who’s been working on it. That’s not true. Customers don’t do that. It is in your best interest to